Chapter 49

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Ares's POV

I knew Lucy would be arriving soon, Hermes left for her about an hour ago. He dosnt take long to bring people here.... I wonder what Nynx has to do with my daughter.

Usually the vampyre children she marks has these tattoo like marks on their faces... its truly unique but Carmelina dosnt have any tattoo's on her face, only on her body.

I sigh and look up at the worried expressions everyone in the room is wearing, Ares is standing by the fireplace, Hera is sitting in a soft chair next to the couch, I am sitting in the couch, and Hercules is sitting pacing in the middle of the room.

Hera looks up at Herc, "Stop pacing Hercules, just tell us what your thinking... Your making me dizzy."

Hercules stops pacing and nods before sitting down on the couch across from me, "I was thinking about what if Carmelina is a vamprye and she just didn't know it?"

Zeus shakes his head at Herc, "I think she would expirence the blood lust, and the mark would be on her forehead."

Herc nods, "I know, but shes a succubus right? In stead of blood lust she has chi lust. Also she has tattoos everywhere else but her forehead... what if she was just that special that she didn't need a mark on her forehead to show her worth?"

Zeus stops and thinks about it for a minute before murmuring, "You may be right..." Gosh, why does everyone have to question my daughter's tattoos... just cause shes different then other faye, dosnt mean she needs to be talked about as if shes a science expirament!

I roll my eyes at them, "You guys are ridiculas. You guys are acting like shes an extraterrestrial trying to figure out why it came to earth!"

Zeus dosnt even smile he just looks at me with an annoyed glare, "Ares I know you don't feel like we should look into this, but It can be important. What if Carmelina was powerful enough to wipe out the entire werewolf, faye, human, animal and god population from just getting mad?"

You know.. I hate to say it but he does have a point. Carmelina is very powerful, but if we found out how powerful she was then we would basically have to control her, and if anything went wrong we would have a secret weapon.

I sigh, "Im sorry Father. I guess your right...." GOSH I hate those words.

Hera shakes her head, "I don't think Carmelina would ever be a danger to any of us because she is a very sweet girl. All of this happened to her for a reason, a good reason at that. What if she was given her abilities and power to save the world some how?" Ive never thought of it that way... maybe a god blessed her because she was needed to do something important.

Hercules laughs, "It would be a very big task for a 17 year old girl to take on."

Zeus smirks, "If any 'girl' could do it, it would be Carmelina."

Herc scoffs, "I highly dout that." Jeez, ive had enough of Hercules's jealousy.

I roll my eyes, "Hercules stop douting the good in Calla. The only reason why you want to figure out why she has the power she does is because your afraid of Carmelina. You KNOW she would beat you in a fight, or anyone in a fight. Stop expecting the bad from her."

A new voice enterers the room, "Ares is right Hercules. You should never expect the bad out of people, only the good Yo-wa,(god).

I turn to see a woman with blonde hair, green eyes and barly any wrinkles. She looks likes shes not a day over 25 but shes probably 40. Beautiful as ever though... This must be Lucy.

Hera smiles, "Hello. You must be Lucy! Thank you for coming."

Lucy smiles, "I am Lucy. It is my pleasure attending o-gi-na-li (My friend). I have know about how special Calla is for a while now. I was waiting for you to decide to trace her power."

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