Chapter 57

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Calla's POV

Jasper rolls his eyes, "Oh my GODDESS! With all due respect, PLEASE shut the hell up!" I scoff at him. I wasn't even being that annoying... I've only been stressing about making friends and being accepted, and getting my mark and a lot more all in this car ride to the House Of Night.

I peel my eyes from the road to glare at him, "Do not tell me to shut up... I'm really nervous here. Cleo probably has everybody hating me already." He frowns, "Calla, don't mind them. You are at the House Of Night for a reason; to become an adult vampyre. Don't let stupid popularity and girls get in the way of that."

Hm... he's right. I smile, "You surprise me sometimes.... you actually can be smart." I start to laugh really load at his gaping mouth. He pouts at me after I'm done my laughing, "I am VERY smart, you just don't spend enough time with me to see how smart I am." He cross his arms over his chest adding dramatics.

I simply laugh at him again before muttering, "Drama Queen." under my breath. But he of course hears me cause of werewolf hearing. He glares and doesn't speak to me for the rest of the ride.

He is such a drama queen. While driving I try to keep from letting my thoughts wander to thinking about the House Of Night because that will make me feel even more stressed... but I couldn't help it.

What if everyone hates me and ignores me the whole time I'm there? Or, if Erick hates me too and doesn't talk to me and then ill be a complete loner... sitting alone at lunch and in classes.

Jasper puts his big, warm hand over mine on the steering wheel. I look away from the road and into his eyes, "Calla... don't worry about what people will think of you because I already know everyone will love you because you are literally one of the best Alpha's I've ever seen, and one of the bestest friends I've ever had."

I smile from his kind and reassuring words, "Thank you Jasp. I'm just worried the House Of Night will end up like every other school." He frowns, "What happened at all of your other schools?"

My mind wanders back to all of the looks on peoples faces. I shiver and look back to the road but still answer, "Everyone always gave me weird stares and gave me dirty looks. People didn't talk to me, look at me or even breathe around me.. its like they were frozen and didn't like even see me." My brows furrow.

Jasper rubs his hand up my arm, "Its probably cause they were scared of you Calla." He chuckles, "You can be pretty overpowering, and scary."

I roll my eyes, "Not all of the time... I keep everything in check." He nods and removes his hand from my arm like he just remembered something. I shake my head and continue on driving.


The House of Night comes into view and my knuckles are ghost white on the steering wheel from clutching onto it for dear life. Jasper just gently rubs my back in a comforting way. Once I pulled into the entrance what I saw literally made my heart stop.

It looked like 200-275 kids were outside of the House of Night just sitting waiting, and when my car came into view everyone jumped up and cheered. Jasper looked out the window very confused but then remembered I was in the car and a grin came on his face, "I knew you wouldn't be hated Calla..." He whispered in my ear.

Once I pulled into a parking space, people surrounded my car shouting my name but I could have sworn I heard people yelling, 'Goldie'. I shake my head and climb out of the car. When I step out all of the shouting and waving stops.

Confused I look around to see Nyx with a big smile on her face walking to greed me. Once she gets to me she pulls me into a bone crushing hug and whispers in my ear, "Welcome to the House of Night young u-we-tsi-a-ge-ya (daughter) of night."

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