Chapter Four

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   Ugh. He's so fucking full of himself! I just want to high five the face...with a brick...covered in poisonous spikes!

   Um, babe, think you may be going a bit overboard there? Angel is laughing her ass off at that comment. Dammit! She's wearing off on me!

   I'm starting to talk and think like you, Ang, what the hell is happening? I'm not a violent person. I blame Angel for this. Her name is very misleading.

   Babe, you're receiving more personality and Memory. As you get older, that happens. Eventually, I'll be more of a conscience. You will be able to instantly pull me up whatever you need, not have me do it for you. We become one. Remember, we are the same girl with different personalities. Eventually, our personalities will combine and become one.

   Holy shit. Fuck! Fuckity fuck fuck!

   "Earth to Emilee!" Damon says, waving a hand in front of my face. I snap out of my conversation with Angel and look at him.

   "Convo with Rosie?" he asks.

   "Um, yeah," I lie.

   "About what?"

   "Asshole mates."

   Hunter is not an asshole! Only Kale is! Rosie shouts at me. I wince at how loud her voice is.

   "Lee! D! Food!" Jeremiah calls from downstairs in the pack house. I'm currently back in my old room which hasn't changed a bit. I'm surprised they didn't change it. No one ever liked me so why would they keep it?

   "Coming!" I call down, pushing past Damon to get to the food first. Damon catches me and flips me over his shoulder so that I have the perfect view of his fine ass.

   "Let me down!" I scream, pounding on his back. He only chuckles at my weak attempt at getting him to put me down. "Damon! Please let me down!"

   "Well, when you put it that way..." Damon says teasingly, suddenly releasing me. I fall onto the couch and lie there for a minute before getting up and springing into action, tackling my alpha to the floor. Damon's my alpha, but he's my best friend and he's never used alpha tone on me. I haven't called him alpha since my first day in his pack.

   "Damon Martelli, I am going to get you back!" I promise him, narrowing my eyes. He laughs and I take the opportunity to whack him in the face with a pillow.

   "What are you, six year old girls?" Jeremiah jokes, walking into the room. "Clearly you need to use something better than a throw pillow, after all, those are for throwing not hitting." He's got a shit eating grin on his handsome face and I know what he's getting at.

   We all look at each other and scream, "Food Fight!" at the same time. We rush to the kitchen and each grab as many weapons as possible before each finding a spot. I get Angie to keep everything balanced so that I can carry more. Our powers come in quite useful sometimes.

   "ONE...TWO...GO!" Damon shouts. I grab my whipped cream and squirt some in my mouth before hopping up from behind the kitchen island and aiming at Damon. He starts throwing crackers at me and I laugh. Really? Crackers? Is that the best he can do?

   Jeremiah is sneaking up behind Damon so I take out my EZ-CHEEZ and spray them. Jeremiah shrieks as it gets in his eye. The fight continues for a good half an hour before we're out of weapons and the kitchen and us are all covered in food. But we aren't done yet. We make a mad dash to the fridge for more supplies. I grab a bottle of OJ and dump it on Damon as he picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder. Stupid boys. I still have the bottle. Carefully, I pull back the band on his shorts and dump the contents in. He always goes commando and shrieks as the cold liquid goes where the sun don't shine. He drops me and I flip in the air, landing on my feet and quietly pad up behind Jeremiah who is bent over clutching his stomach in laughter. I pull back his waistband and squirt cold syrup down his pants. He's also gone commando and yelps, his butt cheeks clenching and sticking from the syrup. He starts wiggling and I'm pretty sure it's reached his little friend. I have totally won this!

   "What the hell happened in here?!" A deep voice shouts, sending shivers down my back. I know it's Kale. I always know when he's near. We might not be marked yet but he's still my mate and I still know when he's near, his scent, voice, touch. I love him and I hate myself for it. But right now, I don't give a damn, I just had a fantastic time and beat the alpha and Beta in a food fight. Life doesn't get much better than this.

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