Chapter Twelve

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  (A/N Thanks for your patience with me everyone. i know I've been slow with updates and that they've been short, usually only half a chapter, so please bear with me. I dedicated this chapter to emgirl75 because she commented and made me realize that I'm good at this and brought me out of my writers block! Thanks emgirl75! Also, remember to COMMENT/VOTE/FAN and check out my new stories, 'This Pain' and 'The Best Mistakes'----Love, Anya :D) 

   I cradled the tiny pink bundle against my chest, breathing in her sweet baby scent while Kale cradled her identical twin. Elliot and Isabelle. Both have white-blonde curls, big blue-green eyes, and a few little tiny freckles on their small faces. They're so small. Even smaller than the others were, but just as beautiful and perfectly healthy. The big difference between the two is that Isabelle has a heart shaped freckle on her left wrist and Elliot has one on her lower thigh. While neither cry much, Elliot is more laid back while Isabelle is always babbling baby sounds. It's quite adorable. Elliot Mae is two minutes younger than Isabelle Grace. They're absolutely perfect and I love them to death.

   "They're perfect, aren't they?" Kale murmurs as Elliot clutches his pinkie with both hands, not able to wrap them around it fully. It's so cute. Elliot's hands are so much smaller than her fathers. These girls aren't even thirty minutes old and already they have their father wrapped around their little fingers. They're his littlest princesses and I know that like all the other kids, these two will be spoiled rotten.

   "They are," I reply, kissing Isabelle's soft head. I smile down at my little baby and she smiles back.

   The door opens and Damien and Mackenzie enter, followed by Damon. The little kids are at home with Jeremiah since they're too young to come visit just yet.

   "My baby sisters?" Damien inquires, climbing onto the bed. He's tall and muscular, much more than most six year olds. Because of the alpha blood he has, he looks about ten. Mackie though, despite the alpha blood, looks four. All the girls look young while the boys look older.

   "Yes. Ian, Mackie, I want you to meet your baby sisters, Isabelle Grace and Elliot Mae," I say. Damien carefully grabs Isabelle's tiny hand and wraps his larger one around it, carefully shaking it. Kale and I laugh at the sight. It's adorable.

   "Hi Belle! I'm your oldest brother, Damien. You can call me Ian. It's good to meet you!" he says, grinning at his sister before looking up at me. Mackie says hi to her and plays with her hand for a minute before they go over to Kale to meet Elliot.

   "Ellie! I'm Damien! I'm your favorite, okay? Not Mackie. I'm the oldest. You call me Ian, got it? Good!" Damien says, repeating the actions he took with Belle. I like the nicknames he picked out and I have feeling they're going to stick. Belle and Ellie. My blonde babies. The only ones with my hair.

   "They're beautiful, Lee, Kale," Damon says, looking at them. I smile and nod my head. They look like little angels. How perfect seeing as they are a quarter angel and three quarters werewolf. My little angels. I have seven of them now and I'm only twenty-three. Crazy, right?

   'The time is coming soon, my darling. You must prepare for the battle of a lifetime. The Fallen and the Wolves do not get along. You must show them they can. First, you must find your father. He's not far. He and your mother are always watching over you, my child. I must go now. Take care, be careful, and congratulations on the twins. They're beautiful.'

   I jolt up in bed. The same voice I've been hearing for years has once again spoken to me, but for the first time, she's given me something useful. I know what I need to do. It can't be too hard. Clearly my parents are nearby, I just have to find him. That shouldn't be too hard, right?

   Wrong. Way way way wrong. It's been eight weeks and I still haven't found any trace of my mother. Then again, she clearly knows how to hide her scent and doesn't want to be found yet. But I need answers and soon. The voice is coming to us even more often and she clearly wants us to hurry up and find my parents.

   "Baby, you've been at this for months. You need a break," Kale says one night as we lie in bed. I sigh and curl up against him, soaking in his warmth and sweet scent.

   "I need to find them, Kale. It's important. I just didn't think it would be this hard. Why don't they want me? Why did they leave me? Why don't they want to meet me?" I say. I'm on the verge of tears but I can't cry. I won't cry. I'm too strong for that. I don't need them. I have my kids, my husband, Jeremiah and Damon, and even Gavin, although not so much my 'sister'. She never really came around to the idea of me being back.

   "Baby, it's okay to cry. I understand. But they gave you up to protect you because they love you, not because they didn't want you. I'm sure they want to meet you but just are afraid you'll reject them. Imagine if you had to give up one of the kids and never know them and twenty-three years later they start looking for you. You'd be nervous too, Emilee."

   "I know," I sigh. He's right. He really is smart and he always knows just what to say to cheer me up. I really did get lucky to have him as a mate, husband, and the father of my pups. I love him so much and I can't believe I ever survived that awful year without him. I would die without him. He's my other half. Without him, I'm nothing more than a shell of myself.


The Last of the Fallen Wolves (Fallen Wolves #1)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara