Chapter Eight

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Emilee POV


   I awake to birds chirping and sun shining through my windows. Now, normally, anyone would love to wake up like this, but not me. I absolutely despise mornings. For me, it's probably my least favorite thing ever. I really don't like leaving the warm confines of my bed.

   "Rise and shine, princess," a familiar deep voice says. I turn to see Kale standing in my doorway, a look of lust on his face when he sees my skimpy pajamas. "Damn."

   "Fuck off asshole!" I shout.

   "Now, is that how you should treat your kind, loving mate?" he says, smirking at me. I glare at him. The nerve he has just walking in and saying that! He's the one who rejected me, not the other way around!

   "You rejected me."

   "Baby, please, I made a mistake. One more chance. I need you! Without you, I'm nothing! I need you more than air. You are my everything, Emilee. I regreted rejecting you the moment I did so. I felt my heart shatter and my wolf stopped talking to me for weeks. When he saw you, he was extatic and so was I. We need you, Emilee, please one more chance to prove how much we love you!" he begs, falling to his knees in front of me. Rosie whimpers and neither Angel or I can resist him. We all miss him. He's our mate, we need him.

   "One chance." I look him in the eye and see his entire face light up like a child on christmas morning.

   He gets up and fast as lightning scoops me into his arms, spinning me around before his perfect lips land on mine, sending sparks shooting through me. Rosie yips happily and we kiss him back until we are breathless and have to pull away, my lips puffy from his amazing kisses.

   "You won't regret it, baby. I love you. I won't let you go," he swears to me. I smile and Rosie takes over. Before I know it, I'm losing my virginity and his teeth sink into my neck at the same time mine sink into his, marking each other. At the moment, it's perfect, but I know that the good won't last long. Soon there will be problems. This is just the calm before the storm.

Kale POV

   She's mine now and I'm hers. I couldn't possibly be happier than I am at this moment. My world is complete. I've mated with my mate and that's all I've wanted since the moment I realized how badly I had fucked up and that she was gone. But now that she's back, I don't ever plan on letting her go. She's mine for eternity. She is the Luna now, all we need is the ceremony. Someday, our children will take over the pack and find their mates, but that's still a long way away. For now, I need to talk to my mate about the ceremony. I want her beside me as the official Luna as soon as possible.


   Emilee POV-two weeks later

   I stare at the white stick in my hand. I've been sick for the last two weeks and having weird cravings and when I missed my period, I knew something was up. So I took six pregnancy tests and all the results are the same. I'm pregnant. I'm two weeks pregnant with Kale's child. That means I have three months left.

   Werewolf pregnancies are different from human ones. A werewolf carries her pup for only four months and a pup with alpha blood is carried for just three and a half months unless the pup has strong alpha blood on both sides, then it's only three months.

   Me, I have no idea about my heritage, only that one parent was Fallen Angel, but I don't think I have alpha blood. I would know by now, right?

   "Sweetie, you've been in there for a really long time," Damon says, knocking on the door. I open it and he rushes over upon seeing my tear streaked face.

   "Baby, what happened?" he asks, his face full of concern and anger. Oh no! He's about to go all protective big brother on me! Shit!

   He spots the tests and his eyes widen. "JEREMIAH! SOS!" he shouts down the hall. This is bad. I'm about to be interrogated by my Alpha and beta who also happen to be my best friends and practically brothers so I'm in deep shit now.

   "What is it, Asshat, I was sleeping!" Jer grumps, rubbing his eyes as he stumbles into the bathroom.

   "Details, Lee. Who? When? How?" Damon demands. I roll my eyes.

   "I'm pretty sure you know how, D, but anyway, when..." I start before Jeremiah clamps a hand over my mouth. I shrug it off and continue. "Who do you think? Two weeks ago. Remember, when I mated? Stupid us, falling for him again. I mean, Rosie is convinced it was the right thing and he changed and he has been super great the past few weeks but what if he leaves us now? What am I gonna do?"

   Tears leak out of my eyes and Damon pulls me into his arms, comforting me while Jeremiah throws the tests away and covers them with toilet paper. "You have to tell him, Sweetheart. If he rejects you again, I'll fucking kill him, so no matter what, it's gonna be okay. I saw the change too, baby. A few years ago, I was at a party he was at, he was completely different. Even a year ago at a meeting he was different. He's changed for the better and he needs to know sooner rather than later. He's alpha, this baby will be here in three months."

   "I know, I'll tell him soon. I just need to be alone right now. Do you mind? And thank you both. You've really made this easier. I love you guys."

   "We love you too, baby girl. You're the little sister we both never had but always wanted," Jeremiah says, tweaking my nose. I slap his arm and laugh as I walk back into my room and curl up in a ball, letting sleep overtake me.


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