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Nari was taking a short ten minute break.  She looked at her texts from Nana, wearing different outfits and then matching outfits with their mom.  She giggled as the outfits became more and more absurd.  It seemed like they were having fun and she was glad for it.  A small teacup was set in front of her and she looked up into the smiling face of her coworker, Jun.

"What's so funny?  I'm always up for a good laugh.  Do share."  He wiggled his eyebrows and darted his eyes down to her phone. 

Nari grinned and complied. "My mom and sister are doing some shopping while they wait for me to get off work.  Look at this," she showed him a photo of the two wearing oversized hot pink sweaters with neon green leggings.

He chuckled and shook his head.  "You have a fun family I think." 

"Yeah," she said softly.  "Is this caffeinated?"  She yawned slightly and stared down at the steaming tea. 

"Yep.  I noticed you struggling earlier to keep your eyes open.  Thought you could use a pick-me-up."

"I certainly can," she said as she took a sip.  The warm liquid slid down her throat and it warmed her insides.  "That's good stuff." 


"Hey, Minnie mentioned the pianist before me left for Sweden.  Did you know him?" She took another sip of the tea and felt her mind slowly coming out of its groggy state. 

"You mean her?  Yeah.  She and I were...close." A small smile rested on his face and he adjusted a napkin dispenser nearby. 

Nari nodded slowly.  "Sorry, didn't know it was a woman.  So, she worked here for a long time.  She must've been good."

"She was amazing," he whispered.  "She could play anything.  She could take a rock song and make it sound as mellow as a lullaby."

Nari watched as his eyes seemed to be focused on memories of long ago.  "Why did she leave? I mean, this is a dream job.  Not that many hours for great pay doing something you enjoy."

Jun's face darkened a bit.  "It's not so cut and dried.  She, um..." He chuckled nervously and shook his head.  "Let's just leave the past in the past.  Your our new star pianist!  We already had a couple of customers ask if you would be playing tonight.  You're starting to draw a crowd."  He grinned and adjusted his apron.  "Okay, I'm not on break so I better get back there.  See you later," he smiled and quickly retreated to the kitchen.

Nari sipped her tea and watched him walk away.   She was curious as to what was up with the former pianist, but she knew better than to pry into something a man seemed like he would rather forget.  She would let him tell her in his own time.  She set the empty cup and saucer into a bus bucket behind the counter.  Taking a deep breath she headed back to the piano.

The front door jingled and two men walked in just as Nari walked past.  She smiled but kept her eyes forward, hurrying to the bench beside the piano. 

They watched her walk by and the one nudged the other.  "Stop drooling."

"I'm not drooling," the other whispered loudly. He rubbed his chin just in case and felt nothing.  He rolled his eyes and the pair walked up to the counter.

"My treat, so order what you want."  Taehyung pulled his wallet out as he stared up at the menu board.  "Oooo, a sandwich sounds good," he mumbled.  "Doesn't it?"  He looked over to his friend and saw his eyes focused elsewhere. "Jiminie," he said softly.

Jimin heard his name, but he was watching her play the piano.  It was like artwork in and of itself. He felt a finger poking his shoulder and he reluctantly pulled his eyes to the menu board.  "I'll have whatever you're having."  He nodded his approval of his own idea and quickly walked to the seating area. 

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