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AN: Oh my word...the errors in the last chapter... just... do I even speak English...(_) ...(‸ლ)

Nari froze.  She stared at the middle of the table after she heard his words.  Her breath froze and she felt like something horrible was about to happen.  Her mind screamed for her to run away and just forget any of this ever happened, even as her heart begged her to stay and hear the end of the matter.  She felt so torn at that moment. 

"Let's just stop," Jimin repeated, causing more pain to hit her heart. 

"S-s-stop what?" she whispered, forcing herself to drag her eyes up to him.  She hoped above everything that he wasn't about to ditch her, especially when she had just started to feel invested in the relationship.  She saw his eyes, glossy with unshed tears.  It broke her heart all over again and more tears spilled down her cheeks. 

"Jimin, please," she whispered before he could speak.  "What can I say to convince you?  I know it's hard to just take my word for it, but Jimin,  I haven't lied to you.  I've-"

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips and he looked away, quickly wiping away any tears that threatened his manly image.  He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat.  "Nari, what I mean is, let's stop with this issue.  I don't want to talk about it again.  I am choosing to believe you now and I'm sorry for doubting you."  He picked at the tablecloth as he spoke, his nervousness showing through his actions.

Nari blinked a few times.  "What?  You aren't mad at me anymore?"  She felt like a hopeful child and she became embarrassed at herself.

Jimin laughed softly.  "I don't want to be.  It will take me a little bit to move on from this but I want to.  I'm sitting here across from the most beautiful girl in the world.  My anger with you melted the moment I saw you sitting there.  I think there's a few other people I should be more angry with."  He pulled in the corner of his bottom lip and the gesture made Nari's heart race. 

"I don't want you to distrust me," she said softly, timidly reaching her hand across the table to rest on top of his.  "I'm loyal to this relationship for as long as it lasts."

Jimin swallowed at the touch of her hand on his.  It was cool and soft.  He stared at her hand for a moment before her words registered in his ears.  "As long as it lasts?  Are you expecting it to end?"

"Hm?  No!"

"Are you hoping it will end?" he asked, staring her down.  He felt her hand begin to pull away and he quickly laid his free hand on top of it.  "Because I'm not doing either of those.  I'm not hoping, or expecting it to end."  His eyes became dark and smoldering. 

Nari felt vulnerable and tried to pull her hand away only to have him hold it tighter.  She stopped trying to fight and simply left her hand in his own warm ones.  She felt like her heart was going to beat right out of her chest.

"I appreciate that, Jimin," she said, trying to smile, but failing. She wanted to hide under the table as she felt a full blown cry coming on. It wouldn't last long though as she suddenly felt two arms surrounding her. The scent of his cologne increased because of his closeness and his warmth comforted her. Her shoulders shook slightly. She had been under so much stress since the incident and now it was all releasing.

Jimin held her small frame close and let her cry. He began to feel bad about the hurt he had caused her. He pulled back and held her face in his hands, wiping away the last few tears with his thumbs and his eyes searched her face. "I'm sorry, Nari," he whispered. "Please forgive me. I should have trusted you."

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