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Taehyung stood by the back door scrolling lazily through his phone while leaning against the wall. He was jolted from his idle moments by a soft knock on the door. He looked through the small window and saw Nari waving happily at him. Grinning, he pushed open the door, holding it while she slid past him and into the hallway.

Nari waited till he secured the door, and then looked at him with a confused expression.

"I'm not the one you were expecting to meet you, was I?" He laughed as she shook her head.

"No, I thought I was meeting Jimin here." She leaned a little closer to Taehyung and whispered, "This isn't one of those switcheroo dates is it?"

Taehyung leaned back and laughed loudly. "No! No. You're here for Jimin. He just asked me to escort you to our practice room where he's waiting for you."

"In the practice room? You mean we aren't going out?" Nari walked alongside Taehyung and allowed him to guide her down a series of hallways, turning this way and that.

"Hm...I'm not sure? Anyway, how have you been?" He glanced at her and noticed she looked a little tired.

"I'm good! I've been working a lot and doing a lot of classwork. Just staying busy."

Taehyung cleared his throat and paused, hands stuffed deep into his pockets. Nari paused ahead of him a few steps then she quickly stopped and turned slightly.

"Why did we stop?"

Taehyung smiled a small smile and took a deep breath. "He's really smitten with you, Nari," he said in his low, soft voice.

Nari looked away and shook her head. "I don't know how that's possible when he doesn't even really know me."

Taehyung shrugged and took a few steps toward her slowly. "Sometimes you just know the other person is right for you."

Nari laughed and shook her head once more. "I don't think that kind of thing exists."

"It definitely does," smiled Taehyung, eventually catching up to her. He continued to slowly walk the hallways with Nari by his side. She was very nice to look at. Her voice was calm and sweet. She had a spunky disposition as well. He could totally get why Jimin would be attracted to her.

The pair finally reached their destination and stood outside a nondescript white door. Music could be heard playing on the other side of it and Taehyung stood back, holding his hand out towards the door.

"I leave you in good hands." He smiled warmly, and with a slight nod and a wink, he sauntered back down the hallway, disappearing around a corner.

Nari swallowed as she watched him leave. She liked Taehyung. He seemed like he would be a good friend. She didn't feel intimidated by him at all. She wasn't nervous around him either, unlike Jimin. She felt nervous around him all the time now. Placing a trembling hand on the door handle, she slowly pushed it down. The door opened slightly and she peeked into the dim room.

The music paired with the lighting, gave off a cozy vibe. As she slowly roamed her eyes around the room, they finally came to rest on a dancing figure in front of the wall of mirrors. She slowly stepped in and quietly shut the door behind her. She watched from her position up against the wall as Jimin danced, his arms and legs moving in fluid motions, his whole body conveying the message and feel of the song.

When the song had finished, the room became silent except for the heavy breathing coming from the dancer. Nari realized she too had a problem breathing and quickly took in a deep breath. The sound caused Jimin to spin around, suddenly facing her.

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