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The lights on the stage slowly came up and Jimin watched Nari closely. She sat perfectly still on the bench alongside her favorite piano player. Mr. Brickman looked over at her and smiled and with a slight nod, the two began playing.

Jimin froze in place as he listened to the familiar tune flow off the stage and fill the hall. He glanced down at his phone to make sure he was still capturing the right thing and then his eyes darted back up to the beautiful woman seated at the piano. He watched her intense gaze focus on the music at hand. Her movements indicated she was relaxed but he knew she was anything but that.

He allowed his mind to wander as he watched her. He felt like a real fan of Nari's at this moment. He was watching her, filming her with his phone, every movement she made causing him to be almost breathless. He was drawn into her performance like a moth to a flame. She was in her element and he loved the way she slid into it with ease. She was made for the concert stage, her poise and talent solidifying that thought in his mind.

If he were to be completely honest, Jimin felt he was not worthy of dating such a beautiful and talented woman. What could he offer her? He was a pop singer and dancer who could make fangirls scream and cry with one hand pushing through his hair. She was a classically trained pianist. People with high class and money came to see people like her play. People in the classical music genre did not "fangirl" or "fanboy." They "appreciated." The two professions were much farther apart then they actually seemed.

No, he didn't deserve someone as good as her. She was most certainly out of his league, but his heart refused to let him listen to the voice of reason in his head. His heart wanted what it wanted and it wanted Choi Nari. There weren't many pleasures or luxuries in this world that Park Jimin would allow himself to have and enjoy. However, this woman, in all her beauty, talent, and in his mind, utter perfection, would be the one thing he would hold on tightly to for himself. He had never felt he was a selfish person, but when it came to either holding on to Nari or doing the sensible thing and letting her go, he was very selfish.

His mind began to run rampant with various thoughts as the duet finally came to an end. He pressed the stop button on his phone screen and quickly tucked it into his inside breast pocket. He smiled widely as Nari bowed to the cheering audience and then to the man who gave her such an amazing opportunity. She walked off stage with such grace that it made Jimin fall even more completely in love with her.

Nari smiled brightly as she approached her date for the evening. She grabbed Jimin's arm and tugged him backstage, quickly pulling him back out to the hallway. She looked around in both directions and saw no one in the immediate area.

Jimin watched her curiously and was then surprised as she jumped, and soon arms and legs were wrapped around his entire body. He giggled as his arms enveloped the woman he'd been falling more and more in love with. He sobered quickly though, as he felt her shoulders tremble and a sniffling sound came right near his ear.

"Nari?" he asked softly.

"Shh. I'm so happy right now," she whimpered, burying her face into his neck.

He stood still, trying not to think how ridiculous they might look if someone saw them. Nari was clinging onto him like a koala bear and he was thoroughly enjoying it, however awkward they might look. Finally, she slid down and put her feet back on the floor. He reached down and held her face, wiping away the last remaining tears from her cheeks.

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