Part 2

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"Hello, my name is Nirvana," said a voice in Aura's head. It was one she had never heard before, but it was also the most beautiful voice she had ever heard it wrapped around her mind like a smooth flowing river, but was warm and sweet, like a mother's and made her think of things like cinnamon and other spices.

"Was that you?" She asked the dragon on her lap.


"How are you here and why have you chosen me? I thought only boys of 17 winters were chosen and I am only 16 winters, also a girl."

"I don't know, I just know I was supposed to find you."

"Okay, umm because this is all kind of crazy, should I like go to Stone Haven, it's where they send all the other dragon riders."

"I think so, but it is your choice too, we must wait until I am big enough though."

"How long will that take?"

"About as long as it will take you to go back and get your stuff. Dragons mature very fast when we are young to a certain point and then we mature at the same rate as regular dragons."

"I'll go get my stuff then," Aura replied and took off running. It was only until she was a distance from the clearing that she realized the whole conversation had been in her head.

She ran back through the woods the way she had come, jumping logs and dodging trees while trying to remember where she had just come from. She wasn't really sure she needed to, she felt like she had an invisible compass in her pointing toward Nirvana. After a while of running, she hadn't realized how far into the forest she had gone, she stood at the top of the hill her family's farm was on. Going carefully down the slope she approached her house. There was no one inside, but she didn't give it much thought, there were probably festivities and a feast in the village or something.

The door creaked on its rusty hinges as she opened it and walked inside. In the far corner was her straw pallet and all her belongings. Grabbing a bag to place her things in Aura walked over and began packing. First she put in all her clothes except her new dress then she began placing her more precious items inside. There was the carved wooden box from her father with a collection of smooth stones her brother's had brought her inside, a knitted blanket her sister had made, a set of glass earrings and necklace from her mother, and her bow and arrows as well as her engraved daggers. Finally she took the hand embroidered dress her mother and sister had made for her and put it on top, it was made of silky lavender fabric with intricate silver embroidering. Aura was just about to leave when she stopped at the door, she turned back and got a piece of paper and ink. On the paper she told her parents everything that had happened and where she was going, and placed the paper on the table where they would find it. It tore her heart out to leave without a proper goodbye, but people in her town didn't take to anomalies well.  If they found out about Nirvana, and Aura's new position as a dragon rider they were more likely to put her on trial for witchcraft than send her to Stonehaven for training.  So, steeling herself she pushed away from the table and stepped into the doorway.  Then with one last look around the cottage she closed the door and started back up the hill.

The hill seemed more steep now, but Aura kept going. She knew even if it was hard to leave her family behind she had to go to Stonehaven. With tears in her eyes she walked into the forest and didn't look back. It was harder now to find the clearing, but the compass inside her she felt pointing to Nirvana prevailed and soon she was in the clearing again.

Aura was shocked at how much Nirvana had grown since she had left. Now she was as big as, if not bigger than, the dragon who had come for Garret. Aura was just about to get on her when she stopped.

"What is wrong?" Nirvana's sweet voice seeped into her mind.

"Well I just realized I don't have a saddle and I need one to ride," she responded

"No, you don't, that is just something people do, climb on, you will see."

Trusting Nirvana, Aura climbed onto her back slightly behind the place where the scales from her neck and back met. It was surprisingly comfortable and as Nirvana took off into the sky Aura felt like she had done it her whole life. She didn't have long to enjoy it though as she suddenly realized she didn't know where Stonehaven was located.

"Do you know how to get to the castle, because I don't," Aura asked Nirvana, who was hovering in the air, sensing Aura's hesitation.

"Well, you said it's a school for dragon riders right?  I can sense dragon magic and there seems to be a specific point where it is all gathered, I assume that's where we're going," Nirvana replied.

"Let's go that way then," Aura said, and then they were off.

Flying was the best thing Aura had ever done. They soared up through the clouds into the sky above where you could see everything for miles.  The hills rolled like emerald waves beneath her, and the massive forest she had once wandered through now only looked like a darker green stain upon the land.  Towns they passed were as small as toys and the people merely ants.  Even the mighty Royal River that was said to wind through all the land appeared only as a twisting, cerulean snake, the crashing white of it's rushing water indistinguishable from Aura's height.

At first she gripped Nirvana's neck tightly, but after a minute she leaned back her hands spread out, touching the whispy clouds. Her dark hair got whipped out of its tight braid, but she didn't care. An icy wind raced past her with a chilling cold that reached her very bones, but eleven it couldn't take away from the thrill flying have her.  With the clouds racing past her and the ground so far below she felt more free than she ever had before.  At home she had always had to be self conscious to make sure she didn't embarrass herself or her family, but up here she could be whoever she wanted.

All too soon though she saw the looming shape of Stone Haven below, "Down there!" She yelled pointing down. Nirvana tucked her wings in and swooped down toward the building below.  As they got closer Aura could make out the shape of towers and turrets. Stonehaven was a castle, she realized. The dark stone towers loomed closer, their points jutting into the sky.  She landed lightly on one of these spires and they both looked down.

The courtyard below was filled with people and dragons milling around. There seemed to be about 5 of them in a crooked line. probably the new ones chosen this morning Aura thought. A man stood next to a big black dragon and seemed to be instructing the new comers.

"What do you think, should we give them a grand entrance?" Nirvana asked.

"Might as well, maybe we'll seem more impressive and they'll accept us quicker," she replied.

With that they launched back up into the sky until they were circling high above the school. On her fifth turn she tucked her wings in and shot down like a bird going after prey. They shot toward the courtyard at a rapid pace and it seemed as if they might hit it. Seconds before they crashed though, Nirvana's wings snapped out and they glided softly to the ground.

"How was that for an entrance?"

"Perfect, Nirvana. We definitely got their attention."

And so they had, everyone in the courtyard had stopped what they were doing and were staring at the pair. The man who had the big black dragon stepped forward and looked them over.

"So, we have some unexpected newcomers," he said.

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