Part 7

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Aura pushed open a creaky door and entered a dark classroom. The only light came from behind the curtains that covered the windows and a small lamp on the teacher's desk. There were only five desks for students plus a chair that had been pulled up, probably for her. Behind the teacher's desk Aura could make out the figure of male teacher, but it was to dark to distinguish who he was. Three other boys had already arrived so Aura went and sat on the chair that had been pulled up and started waiting. She was glad for Nirvana's company, which comforted her in the scary room.

When the other two boys rushed in together, barley on time, their teacher shifted out if his chair and began speaking, " Hello, class. I will be your Dragon Teachings teacher. Now I can see some of you see this class as a joke, but I warn you to take it seriously. Without it you may never unlock the true dragon secrets and fulfill your destiny as a dragon rider."

The words hung in the air around Aura, what were the secrets he talked of? Before she could ask some one else did, " Sir, ummm what are the true dragon secrets?"

"Ahh, they are a set of ancient writings that detail everything there is to know about dragons, things only dragon riders know. In this class we will study some of the original writings, and others I will teach you about. To start our lesson today I would like you each to take one of the scrolls off that table and read it. There are excerpts from ancient texts copied on to them that I would like you to read."

The scrolls were on the table Aura's chair had been pulled up to, so she just reached over and grabbed one. It was titled The Great Powers of Dragon Riders and Aura soon found herself being sucked into the intriguing text. It was a detailed description of the powers dragon riders received in the bondage with their dragons. No one knew where the powers came from, but when a rider and dragon bonded their spirits were intertwined. If someone were to look at the energy that's within people they would see the energy flowing between the eight major points (eight spots in your body where different types of spiritual energy was centered), but they would also see a flow of energy between rider and dragon that connected them over any distance. This is what gave dragon riders the ability to pull upon their dragons powers, and to speak with them. The powers themselves were usually related to elements such as earth, fire and water. However the text did say sometimes a rider received otherworldly powers such as literal magic to perform spells like summoning. The weird thing was the text gave no names of riders like these
Almost as if they had been erased from history itself. After a while the teacher coughed and brought the class back to attention.

"Well class I hope you have had sufficient time to read those sheets, because they have very important information that every dragon rider must know. The spiritual connection between dragon and rider is essential and understanding it is even more so. Now in the other classes you will not receive work to do out of class and return but that is not the case here. I expect a paragraph on the importance of the spiritual connection between rider and dragon and the relation it has to your powers, understood?"

"Yes sir," all the students mumbled meekly.

"Very well, class is dismissed. But if Miss Aura would stay behind for a minute I should like to speak with her."

The rest of the class filed out silently to head to dinner but Aura gathered her stuff before heading to the teacher's desk. He was shuffling through a bookshelf behind his desk and did not notice Aura for a few seconds.

"Thank you so much for staying Miss Aura. You are not in trouble, much the opposite actually. I wanted to give you something."


"Well you see for many years I've had this journal, but never have I been able to open it. It is one of the only ancient texts never read and it had the same symbol as the door handle to your room."

"It does?"

"Yes, I was wondering if you could open it and possibly tell us what it contains. You see the symbol is also unknown to us."

"I will be glad to take the journal sir."

"Thank you very much Miss, you may head to dinner now."

Aura took the journal from the teacher's hand, gave a nod of acknowledgement and left. As she walked down the hall she turned the journal over in her hands. It had a red leather cover with a silver lock. On the lock was the symbol her teacher had described although she had to admit she had never noticed it herself on the door handle. The strangest part though was the pearl placed in the center of the cover. It was quite large and looked very valuable but she could not imagine why it was on a journal of all things. Deciding she was not eager to return to the cafeteria after last night Aura decided to head down to the service area and find one if the maids who seemed to know so much about the oddities surrounding her room.

Aura was still new to the school so it took her a while to find the entrance to the service area. When she finally did she found herself in a kitchen bustling with activity. There were maids running everywhere carrying platters of this and pots of that. Unsure of who to ask where she could find Kasha, Aura wandered through the kitchen until she found a secluded corner where a kindly old woman was stirring soup.

"Hello dear, is there anything I can do to help you?" The woman asked, smiling.

"Yes, actually. Could you please direct me to Kasha?"

"I'm so sorry I don't know where she is. Dinner is so crazy down here. But if you don't mind me asking why are you looking for Kasha, she's a lovely young girl and all, but why her specifically?"

"Ohh well, Kasha seemed to know a lot about the room in the abandoned tower and I wanted to see if she could tell me anymore," Aura said trying to leave.

"Did you say you want or know about the room at the top of the tower?"

Aura turned back, "Yes, anything surrounding it really."

"Well dear I can help you there."


"Well dear, those girls out there can tell you some but I can tell you it all. Stuff even they don't know."


"Yes, but if you wish to know, we must step out of the kitchen. Why don't you follow me and I'll tell you all that is known."

"Ok," Aura responded and followed the old woman out of the kitchen.

A/N: Finally another chapter! Sorry it took me so long to update. I have had the beginnings of this for a while but then I got busy and started to neglect it. One thing led to another and I started to put off editing because the story was getting no love, but then all you amazing people started voting and showing this story so much love and I had the inspiration to update again. So thank you all so very much, I live you all!

Bye for now, Kat

P.S. Please comment because what I love even more than votes is hearing from my amazing readers! (Not that I don't love votes :) )

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