Part 3

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"Some very unexpected newcomers," the man with the black dragon repeated, "Well, would you like to explain yourself girl?"

"I-I was in the woods when I felt drawn to this clearing and in there was an egg.  Out of it hatched my dragon, this dragon, and she told me she had chosen me so I came to this school for dragon riders because I am one," Aura said, weakly at first but then confidently.

"And I'm supposed to just believe you?  Girls aren't dragon riders, never have been.  So, I repeat, explain how you came to have a dragon," he said.

"There is no other truth, this dragon is my dragon and we're here to be trained.  I don't know how I came to be a rider, but the point is I am one," Aura said, inching closer to Nirvana in case the Stonehaven people decided to go the witchcraft route and try to put her on trial.

"Very well, I suppose we can't turn you away, this is a safe haven for all dragon riders after all, and if you really are one, as it appears you are, then you must be allowed. Now what is your name?"


"Very well, Aura. We didn't have a room prepared for you because we were unaware you were coming and their are no uniforms that would work for you so how about you go with Kasha and she will get you settled in," the man said begrudgingly.

Aura looked over at the girl the man had indicated to, She was very pretty with thick blond hair and green eyes.  The girl, Kasha, beckoned for her to come and she followed her out of the courtyard.  She was worried about Nirvana though, she wouldn't fit in the castle and she didn't want to leave her in the courtyard, but right as they reached the door Nirvana shrunk herself to the size of a cat and curled around Aura's neck. 

She followed Kasha through passages and tunnels until they arrived at some flights of stairs. Kasha hesitated for a moment, but then chose the farthest one to the left and started going up. The stairwell was an old winding stone one that smelled of mildew and had a few bricks chipping here and there. It looked like it was hardly ever used, but maybe they all appeared that way, it was a fairly old castle after all.  They passed many landings and doors but kept going until Aura wasn't sure when they were going to stop. Finally they arrived at the very top of the staircase where there was only one door.  Unlike all the other doors which were a fading gray with rusting hinges this door was made of polished wood that had a very deep red color and what looked like silver hinges.  The wood was intricately carved and there was a small window in the top half of the door.  Kasha dug around in her ring of keys until she found one that was made of silver and carved like the door.  She stuck it in the keyhole but didn't turn it.

"Try to open the door, Lady Aura."


"Because I can't, only a very special person can.  The door is enchanted to only unlock for that extrordinary person."


Aura turned away from Kasha and placed her hand on the key.  It was cool to the touch, but she felt like she could almost feel the magic in it.  She slowly turned the key in the lock and waited for it to refuse and stay locked, but it didn't.  The door swung wide open to reveal the most beautiful room she had ever seen.

In the front there was a sitting room with a set of beautifully carved wooden chairs the same color as the door the had richly embroidered cushions.  In between the two chairs there was a table with a glass top and a wood base that matched the chairs.  On the table there was a vase of carved wood that looked like it was made of flowers.  This was all in the far left corner of the room.  There was also an ornamental rug in the middle of the room and a set of shelves in the other corner filled with trinkets and a few books.  

Aura could barely see the back room so she walked through the sitting room and into the main room farther back.  In the middle of the left wall there was a massive canopy bed with an embroidered coverlet.  There was also a big dresser and closet that matched those in the sitting room.  Paintings covered the wall and there was a shelf of books in a corner.  There was also another rug like the one out front.  Now Aura realized there was actually another door that led to a connected bathroom with all the newest and nicest furnishings.

"Wow, this is the nicest place I have ever seen.  Even nicer than Ragark's and he runs the place," Kasha said appreciatively.

"Do I, is there any chance that- that I could stay here? That this could be my room?" Aura asked.

"Certainly this will be your room, Ragark told us if we ever found the person who could open that door this was to be their room.  There is some story behind this room but you would have to ask Martha or Bertha, or one of the other women who have been here awhile."

"Ragark?  Was he the one with the big black dragon?"

"Yes, Lady Aura, and I promise you he didn't mean to be rude out there, he was just surprised.  Now I will just leave you to get settled in, you will receive a note when it is time to come down for dinner," Kasha said, and exited the room.

Aura walked around the room and studied things more closely.  She began to notice things she hadn't noticed before like a nightstand by the bed and the perch for a dragon.  Finally she settled to unpacking her things. The blanket went on the bed and the jewelry in the bathroom. There was the carved box that she set on the nightstand as well, full of trinkets from her childhood she hadn't realized she still kept until she opened it.  Her weapons went on a rack in the corner and that left only her clothes.  She went over to the closet and opened it but when she looked inside it was already full of clothes.  Dresses of rich fabric covered in stitching that looked to be made of silk.  Her own clothes forgotten on the floor, Aura reached inside and pulled out a red dress with gold accents and stitching.  She slipped it on and it was the softest thing she ever felt.  It swayed and moved about her, not at all constricting.  These were a dragon rider's clothes, she could feel it, but, strangely, they were made for a girl.  

Suddenly Aura heard a pecking on the window, she looked over and saw a dove outside. She walked over to the window and pushed the silky curtains out of the way.  Then she looked for the latch and threw open the window.  The dove, quite calm, hopped inside and perched on her arm.  There was a scroll tied to her leg and Aura reached down to untie it. The scroll read:

Lady Aura,

 It will shortly be time for the evening meal.  Please prepare yourself and come down to the cafeteria.  You will be required to stay afterward for an assembly so do not immediately leave.

As she looked over the note Aura felt a tingle of excitent run through her body.  She might have gotten off to a bit of a rough start but she was here, in Stonehaven, and she was going to learn to become a dragon rider.  With a new spirit she set down the note and went to get cleaned up for dinner, determined to prove to everyone that she belonged.

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