Part 8

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Aura followed the woman through an unfamiliar part of the school, twisting and turning through the halls. Unlike the rest of the castle the walls were covered tapestries and art, looking like they had been decorated by someone other than a bunch of men. Finally the old woman stopped outside a big wooden door and pulled out a ring of keys from underneath the skirt of her dress. Quickly she unlocked the door and ushered Aura inside, closing it right after.

She cautiously took a seat on a dusty chair and waited for the old woman to do the same.

"Where are we?" Aura asked the woman, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, "and who are you?"

"I am Gera and this to is part of what I am going to tell you, so I will explain in a minute," then she paused for a minute, thinking about what to say, " you see child that tower where you have your room, it was not abandoned, but forgotten in an attempt to erase it from history, so was this room, and wing of the castle."


"Well, long ago there were other female riders, but never more than one at a time. They too trained here and were very powerful."

"Then why does nobody know about them."

"That is the part of the secret even I don't know. You see for some reason there was a very sudden decision to erase the female rider line from history."

"You said you could also tell me about my room, and the journal," Aura said, letting her voice trail off.

"Right, I was just getting to that," Gera said, rearranging herself, "your room was the room of the other female dragon riders. No male has ever been able to open the door, and as far as I know no female who was not a dragon rider had that power either. I believe your journal may be the same."

"But, how do we know the journal and my room are even related, we just have what my Dragon Teachings teacher said."

"Well, yes, I suppose that is right. Although that teacher of yours is quite sharp. Would you mind if I took a look at the journal?"

Aura removed the journal from a pocket in her skirt and handed it to Gera. The woman took it and looked it over mumbling unintelligible things the whole time. Finally she came to the silver lock and sat fingering it for a moment before looking up at Aura.

"I can see why your teacher thought the room and journal were related. They have the same symbol."

"Do you know what he symbol means?" Aura questioned.

"Well I believe it is from a very old form if what is now known as Dominarum Script. A secret form of writing invented by women very very long ago to communicate things they did not want the men to know."

"Can you read Dominarum Script?"

"Well the modern kind yes, but the ancient kind used some different symbols. Some I can decipher using reasoning and knowledge of the modern version. The sign on your journal it looks like a sign for dragon and a sign for warrior."

"One sign looks like both of those things?"

"Oh, no, my dear, it is hard to notice but there are two signs, they are barley connected by a single line, like cursive writing."

"I see, so you think the sign on this journal and my door mean 'dragon warrior'?"

"Yes my dear, and if you get this journal open please bring it to me and I will try to help you decipher it, if that is what you want."

"Yes, thank you Gera."

"It is no problem my dear. Now why don't you go on head to bed, I'd better be getting back to the kitchen."

"I don't know my way out though."

"Oh, well I suppose I could guide you, but there is also an old servants staircase you can take to your room, it is just around the corner behind the door all the way down the hall if you want it."

"Okay thank you very much Gera, you've been such a huge help," Aura said and rose to leave the room.

As soon as she was out in the hall Aura took the first right and hurried down to the door on the end. It squealed in protest on rusty hinges when Aura opened it, but still came open revealing a wide stone staircase. Closing the door behind her, Aura turned and began her long journey up the staircase.

When she finally reached the top Aura opened a door that led straight into her room. The door had been out of sight in a shadowy corner and most of it was hidden behind a large tapestry so Aura had never noticed it before.

Taking the journal out of her pocket, Aura turned it over in her hands, looking at the beautiful images pressed into it, and the large pearl adorning the front. She wasn't sure how she'd ever open it, the lock looked like it needed a key, but she didn't know where to find one. She also wondered how the journal had survived if they had been trying to erase women riders from history. Finally getting bored Aura looked placed the journal on her night table and walked over to the bookshelf to see what was on it.

Many of the books were written in what looked like more ladies' script but some were in common tongue and Aura consented to look through those. Flipping open one at random, Aura opened the book and started to read. Heaven, who had been around her neck the whole time, scampered down Aura's arm to see. The book was about dragon powers, like the sheet that morning, but was centered more around the "mystical powers", like magic. The book also detailed the importance of the spiritual connection, reminding Aura of the paragraph she had to write. Reluctantly putting down the book to finish some other day Aura got up and grabbed some parchment and ink.

Dipping her pen carefully in the black ink Aura began to write, "The spiritual connection between dragon and rider is so important because..."

A/N: Another chapter out! And so soon after the last, did any of you expect that? Probably not, anyway I wasn't planning on updating so soon, but my other chapter has already been getting love from you all, so how couldn't I. By the way I really appreciate the comment put on there by GeaTerra, thank you so much those comments are what give me the inspiration to write! Oh also, I don't think I've said this yet, but if I have I still want to repeat it because it is really important that people understand all my ideas are purely original and not meant to copy anything out there. I know that I would hate it if I found out someone was stealing my idea and I do not want to do that to someone else. So if you are reading my book and think it sounds like yours or one you've read than I am so sorry because I did not know I was copying someone else's thing. Now that I've said that I think I'm done for today.

Bye for now, Kat

Hey, I was wondering if you guys could give me some ideas for chapters because I am at a loss and would really love to hear from some of my amazing readers. You can comment ideas, private message me, or put them on my message board. I can't wait to hear from you! Bye guys!

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