Part 14

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Aura fidgeted anxiously in her seat as she stared at the door, waiting for it to open.  Nirvana slowly climbed her arm and came to a rest around her neck with a contented sigh, the yin to Aura's yang, and the ice to her fire.  A picture of calm in a sea of anxiety.

"I hope they don't think I'm crazy.  I mean sure my whole idea is a little far fetched but it also seems like an obvious answer to anyone who understands it, right?" Aura rambled.

"They'll understand, you'll see.  Kasha and Salarah are smart, and they know Cassandra, they won't think you're crazy, promise," Nirvana said in a reassuring tone.

"You better be right," Aura muttered as the door to the library creaked open.  There was the sound of footsteps echoing on the wood floor and a rustle of clothing as people slipped in through the door.  Then, with a muffled thump the door closed and a voice called into the library.

"Aura, are you in here.  Me and Kasha are ready to start looking," Salarah's voice cut through the silence.

"Back here," Aura called back in a whisper.

There was more rustling and the sound of someone colliding with one of the shelves combined with a muffled "ow" before Kasha and Salarah rounded the corner into the back where Aura was seated.

"Looks like you already got started," Kasha said with a laugh, "Find anything good?"

"As a matter of fact, yeah, at least I think so.  Salarah, do you remember when we were discussing with Gera about the riddle and we were trying to think of powers that used the mind?" Aura asked.

"You mean last night?" Salarah asked, with a raised brow.

"Uh, yeah, I guess it was just last night, feels like a lifetime ago," Aura said, blushing.

"No problem, just clarifying.  Does this mean you found something?" Salarah replied.

"Well, I might have.  You see I was looking through the library in my room just trying to find the answer last night and I was going over the words if the riddle, suddenly something came to me.  It all seems to fit into place, of you think about it, and-" Aura began before being cut off.

"So sorry to interrupt Aura, but do you think you two could catch me up?  I feel like I'm missing some things here," Kasha cut in.

"Oh yeah sorry, where should we begin?" Aura asked.

"Uhm, with the riddle, I think I know up to there," Kashaa said.

"Got it.  So last night when you sent Salarah to come find me and tell me about Cassandra's legacy in where you're from-" Aura started.

"Illexia," Salarah reminded her.

"Right, when Salarah was finsished telling me about Illexia and Cassandra and all that stuff, she asked to look at the diary so I let her.  She noticed it was really dirty and offered to clean it for me.  Of course I let her and when she was done she noticed some writing on the cover.  We took it to Gera to read since we couldn't and thought maybe she could, if it was Dominarum Script-" Aura continued.

"What?" Kasha asked.

"Dominarum Script was an ancient writing used by Cassandra and other women of her time that only they knew, it was good for hiding stuff from the men.  Anyway, Gera can read it so we took it to her and she translated the writing which turned out to be the riddle," Aura finished.

"Which was?" Kasha prompted.

"Oh, right.  The riddle was 'key of air, locked in mind, waiting for, only the brightest to find'.  Do you feel caught up now?" Aura said.

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