My Only Friend?

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The next day everyone was still ignoring me. I slowly walked into first period and sat down. That's when I noticed something strange. The guy from yesterday was sitting in front of me. How did I not notice him yesterday?  His hair is white! Maybe I should apologize again. I tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Hey I'm sorry about yesterday dude."

He turned around and looked at me.  His eyes are red!! Is he albino or something.  I mean he is really pale and has white hair so probably. How did I not notice yesterday? "Why are you talking to me?"

"I just wanted to apologize again for yesterday. I didn't mean to make you fall."

"Listen, since you're new here I will explain something to you. You have been labeled as an outcast. That means that no one higher than an outcast will talk to you. So basically the only people who will talk to you is some else who is an outcast."

"That's kinda rude. What the hell kind of school is this? That's some India cast system on crack shit! What made them label me that?" I asked. I also wondered why the people of this school do this. What is the highest label?

"You talked to me and that's against the rules."


"You can't talk to someone lower than your label. If you do, you drop to their label. That is why no one is talking to you."

"That's ridiculous! I can't believe it." Why is this happening to me?

"You better start believing because you will be an outcast for the rest of your high school life. No one can get higher, only lower."

"Wait. What is your label?"

"Mine? Well obviously I'm also an outcast. Why else would I be talking to you?"

"How many outcasts are there?"

"Two. I was the only one before you came here. Now that you are filled in, don't talk to me again!"

"Okay then...." He turned back around in his desk and class continued as normal. Throughout the day I saw that the guy was in all of my classes and always in front of me. He never did talk to me again throughout the day. I can't believe I have to go through this. Because of this stupid label thing that this school does, I will never have a friend. Not that I had much friends at my old school.

Over the next week what that guy told me held trutg. No one talked to me at all. I only got either glares or sympathizing looks. The guy in front of me slowly began to talk to me, but I wish that he hadn't. All he does is make fun of me. He even gave me the nickname Benny Boo! I don't even know his name and yet he is giving me some weird name. What is wrong with this school?!?

"Hey Benny Boo! What's with that silly shirt you have on? Get out of grade school, no one listens to that band anymore!" I walked into my first period on Friday and immediately regretted not staying home. This new school is going to kill me.

"Why do you have to call me Benny Boo? I don't even know your name. Also, not gonna lie, it kinda makes it sound like we are closer then we actually are."

"Hmm... guess I never told you. My name is Shiroi-Renji. I have two first names. And it's fun to see your face get so red when I call you it!" He smirked at me. I swear this guy is going to be the death of me!



"I'm thinking of a nickname for you."

"I don't need one. I only gave you-"

"I got from now on you will be Hero!"


"I just took the S and I off and got hero. It is the best I can do on such short notice."

"Like I was saying, I don't need a nickname so stop."

"I got a better one. Renji!! No matter what you say, you will always be Renji now."

"That's literally just my second first name. You know what, whatever it's cool I guess." He turned around but not before I saw a smile creep on his lips. Maybe I can have a friend.

Boy if I only knew then what I know now... I would've just walked away. Actually I still would've stayed.

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