Ten Years Later

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I left Mikara a week after the episode with Renji. He never did show back up to school and I wasn't able to go back to his house. It has been ten years since then. I went to collage on a couple of different scholarships and got a music degree. I currently live two states over from that town in a decently sized city. I haven't gone back there since I graduated. I have been living a good life. I have a nice steady job playing in an orchestra with a nice house. I preform at concerts Monday thru Saturday. Today is my day off. I just got home from shopping and I immediately put the stuff I bought away. After that I watched TV for a half hour then went to bed for a quick nap.
I looked at Renji. We were sitting on his bed and I couldn't hold it in anymore, "I love you Renji."

"I love you too Benny Boo." Renji smiled at me, pulling me into him. I looked up at him and he kissed me. Renji began to pull away but I put my arms around him, forcing him to stay in place. Taking the hint, Renji licked my bottom lip, looking for an entrance. He found one and began exploring my mouth, making me moan. We fell side by side on the bed, still making out.

I couldn't control myself anymore. I just wanted Renji so much. I rolled on top of him and started to lift his shirt up. Just the feeling of his skin was enough to turn me on. I stopped kissing Renji just long enough for me to pull both of our shirts off. I stuck my knee in between his legs and I could feel his erection. Smiling I started kissing his neck. His moans echoed in ny ears as I gently nibbled his neck. I began to make my way down in a zigzag formation. Renji arched his back and began rubbing against my leg. I got to his waistline and unbuttoned his pants. I quickly pulled his pants and boxers off, revealing his perfect body. I had to stop to just to admire the situation.

"Don't just stare at me!" Renji growled at me. His face was so red, I couldn't help smiling. He began to get up but I put both of his hands above him and pinned him there with my hand. With my free hand, I caressed his face and my my way down his body until I was grabbing his erection. I slowly began to go up and down and Renji face showed just how much pleasure he was feeling. I smiled as slowly put my finger in his hole. He moaned really loud and I slowly went in and out, I eased a second finger in. I let Renji's arms go, using my now free hand to pull down my pants. I took my fingers out and put myself right at his entrance. He rubbed up against me and I slowly put myself in, trying my hardest to be gentle. He cried out and I began thrusting myself against him. Soon he finished and a couple minutes later so did I.

"I love you Renji."

"I love you too, Benny Boo."
I woke up with tears in my eyes. Every dream I have has to do with Renji. Its not fair; it's been ten years since I last talked to him. Why did I have to fall for such an insensitive jerk like him?

"Must have been a good dream; you woke up with an erection." I look two trade where the voice came from and saw a dark figure in the corner of my room.

"Who are you?" I asked. The figured walked into the light and my jaw dropped. It could really be him.

"You probably don't remember me but we went to high school together."

"RENJI!!! What are you doing here?"

"This was a bad idea. I-I j-just wanted to talk to you one last time before I left. I just leave. Please forget I even did this."
He turned around and walked away.

"Wait!" He didn't stop. "Please cone back," I whispered. I heard my front door close. Tears flooded my eyes and my heart broke again. No! Not again. I'm not letting you go again!

I got up and ran after him. By the time I made it out of the house, I saw him turning into an ally down my road. I began running as fast as I could down the street.
When I turned the corner, I saw Renji and then I noticed a stranger standing in front of him. The stranger looked at me and I saw that he had a gun. All of the sudden Renji bent over in pain. "Renji are you okay?" I walked to him without thinking of the stranger or the gun. The guy yelled something and pointed the gun at Renji. Before I knew what was happening I heard the gunshot and I dove in front of Renji. I felt the bullet go into my stomach and I saw the guy running away. I hit the ground and looked up at Renji. He was safe. I love you Renji.

The last thing I saw was Renji falling to the ground about five feet away from me; then, I saw darkness.

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