Defeat Satan

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I saw Ben jump in front of me as the robber fired his gun. He fell to the ground and didn't move. "Ben!! Are you okay?" I tried to get to him but I couldn't move. I fell to the ground a couple feet away from Ben. Reaching my arm out I tried to make it to him but everything turned black.
"Welcome back, Shiroi-Renji." Satan waved to me.

"What's happening? Let me go back! Ben needs me!"

"Can't do that. Your soul is now mine and as of right now you are dieing."

This can't be. Ben needs me right now. Sumimasen, Ben, I wish I could've told you how I really felt.

"Are you just going to let him die, Shiri?"

"Who are you and why are you in my head?"

"It your dad. Now listen to me! Do you want to save Ben or not?"

"Of course I want to save Ben! Tell me how!"

"Challenge Satan to a duel and win. That is the only way to get your soul back and return to the Land of Life."

"What if I lose?"

"He will get your soul and whatever else you gave away in your agreement."

"Alright. I will do it. Thanks Dad."

"Satan! I challenge you to a duel!"

He looked shocked but he started laughing. "Did your dad tell you about this loophole? I'll have to punish him for that. Oh well. If you wish to duel me then we shall duel. If you win you get your soul back..... but if I win I not only get your soul but I also get Ben's."

"I can't just give away someone elses soul!"

"Oh yes you can, since he is already dieing, I suggest you hurry and make a decision." A smile crept on his face.

"Fine! I agree to the terms."

"Great. Choose your weapon."

A whole bunch on different type on weapons appeared out of nowhere. I saw one that caught my eye and picked it up.

"You have chosen wisely. That is a holy relic from the olden times. It has killed many demons." He picked up a sword.

I faced my dagger towards him and we began fighting. He came at me with full force, I barely was able to block. He left me with no opportunity to attack, I could only defend.

I backed up from one of his attacks and fell over. I looked up at him and knew it was over. I put the dagger infront of me in a vain attempt to shield myself.  He raised his sword up and swung it down on my dagger. I was just barely able to roll away from him and jump back up. He was already at me again and I was back to defending myself. I have to do something quick. Ben is dieing! As Satan started another attack I saw my chance; I thrusted my dagger forward as he held his sword abovr his head.He dropped his sword mid-swing and fell to the ground.

"Fuck! Damn you! That was a lucky shot and now I lost."

"I won?.... I won!!"

"Yes. Yes. You won. You are the only one to ever defeat me. Congratulations."

"Send me back now."

"Okay but I will call upon you again someday."

"Hurry! Ben could be died!"

"Feelings truly sicken me."
I woke up to see Ben laying on the ground. I got up and ran to him. "Ben! Ben! Please be okay!"

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