Chapter 1- Nice try

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"Oh, my god!! no way!!!" I yelled, jumping up and down on the side cousin,roseleena, just told me that she might have a chance to get tickets to our favorite and roseleena,I just call her rose for short,have lived together since we moved out from her mom/my aunt's house.she was more of someone who liked to party, day and night, I can name over 100 parties's she's brought me to, but some weren't bad either.I was more of a girl who liked practicing throwing knives at a painting, yes, it does sound creepy and weird but it's actually fun and I love the and rose had just come from our friend Emily's house when rose found a contest that we could enter to win the tickets, we both freaked out.

Rose started screaming, and so did i.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, we have to get them!!!"

"okay okay calm down! we have to send in an audition for-"

"wait an audition?"

"Yeah, it's a contest for who can sing the best!"

"nope nope no way"

"pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease hannah!!"

"fine ill try"


rose skipped ahead doing a weird dance I just stood there and laughed until a felt a hand go over my mouth and pull me into an alley.I tried to scream but couldn't with his hand over my mouth so I did what first came to mind.i kicked my foot back and hit him right where it hurts the most, and boy he did NOT expect it.I heard him whimper and I thought it was a little funny I spun around quickly and gave him a good punch, before I knew it, he was on the ground knocked out.

"Yes, score!"

"Hannah?! There you are!"

"Oh hey look what I I don't know"

"What are you oh my god..."

"Yup, guy tried to kidnap me son of a-"

"so...What are you gonna do with him?"

"Probably take him home, question him, then let him go"

"wow um okay, well I don't want any part of this!!"

"Fiiiiiiine, just help me carry him home"

About an hour later we had him at my house tied up, Rose had left because she 'didn't wanna be a part of this' so all I had to do is wait for him to wake up.I decided to take a nap before so that I had energy in the morning, or when ever this guy decides to wake up.

I woke up in the morning and saw this guy howling. I just thought 'how insane is this guy!'. I walked a little closer to him and he turned and looked at me. That's when I saw his light blue eyes, they reminded me of the clearest blue ocean, I could just stare at those eyes and get lost in a world I don't know.

"Oh um hi...heh.."

His voice seemed to snap me back to was so smooth and soft and calm even.I shook off the feelings and sighed as I looked at him again.

"Hi my name you shouldn't know"

"um okay, well Hello now mind telling me why I'm here?"

"You tried to kidnap me and I want to know why"

He seemed to be at a lost for words and didn't know what to say. I was about to ask him again when there was a loud bang on the door. I jumped at the loud sound and looked back at the guy who seemed relieved.I ran to my room and locked the door, moments later I heard the front door come crashing open and a few voices.I ran to my window and opened it up and climbed out.there was a very small ledge, I started slowly walking across, I could hear banging now on my bedroom door, then I looked down and then straight back up in fear, 'God what am I doing, what have I gotten myself into...'.

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