Chapter 4- What is he doing to me

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I wake up with the little toddler snuggled into my side I nudge him a little and he wakes up.

"Hello little one, ya know, I never got your name"

"me name jeckson" he tries to say while yawning afterward.

"well hello Jackson, my names Hannah"

I sit up and walk into the bathroom to take a shower when I remember I don't have any clothes.Shit. I decided to just put my clothes back on I take a shower and when I get out there's clean clothes for me.i put the clothes on and pull my hair to the side and braid it.I walk out and see blue trying to talk to Jackson but all Jackson does is look at him like he's a madman trying to talk to him.i laugh when Jackson sees me and runs behind my looks at Jackson with an angry look and mumbles something.

"what, mad he doesn't come running to you, maybe you should try being I don't know, nice?"

he looks at me like he can't believe I would smack talk he.hell yeah, ill smack talk him I don't care if he kidnapped me I'm gonna be a bitch to him whether he likes it or not.

"what? cant take a little insult?" I say with a smirk wide on my face.I turn around and see Jackson gone, I guess he left, when I turn back around blue is right in front of me I look up and him and see his dazzling blue eyes, man did his eyes get even prettier, WAIT what am I saying, snap out of it Hannah!, I realize I'd been starring and I feel my face heat up from embarrassment.

"Please don't insult my little one, it hurts," he says and I think I can actually hear some hurt in his voice.I feel a little bad because besides from, ya know, kidnapping me he looks kinda innocent so I nod and I actually kinda feel bad for insulting him, what is this man doing to me?, I?....Nah!.

After he saw me nod he smiled at me and walked out of the room.I walk over to the wind looking outside for escape routes, trail, buildings, anything other than here.woods, woods, woods, oh!....more woods, great. I sigh as I look for an escape I've mapped out a plan to run and to keep going until I lose them and find something, anything.I hear someone walk in and out of my room and when I turn around there's food.wait, that means they're all eating downstairs. I quickly open the window and slide down the side of the house grabbing each ledge to slow my fall.I reach the end and dash into the woods before making to a beautiful lake.uuuuuuugggggghhhh I can't do this I just can't at least I'll stay here and look at the lake for an excuse not like they'll buy it but hey wouldn't hurt to try. I sit down in front of the lake thinking about things that have happened now, past stuff, and how I miss everyone from back home.I sigh as a tear slips from my eye as I look down in the water I see I have been crying this whole time and I cup my hands around my face and begin to cry.after awhile I feel sleepy and get up and sit against a tree closest to the lake.I stare off at the beautiful lake and doze off to sleep with the prettiest image in my head, beside from blues eyes, gah! Stop!

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