Chapter 3- Kidnapped for now

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I woke up and yawned as I looked around I realized it wasn't my room and then I remembered what had happened.I started to shake I didn't know where I was or if I was ever gonna get out.I walked over to what I thought was the closet and opened it up, I looked around and saw a bunch of men's 'I have a plan!' I ran and opened the window and then ran back into the closet and hid.a few minutes later I heard a bang on my door followed by multiple people coming into my room.I saw them all go over to the window and look out, my plan worked!

I ran out of the closet and over to what I saw was a staircase I looked down and it was a spiral staircase.I stood off the railing and slid down, talk about living life on the edge, I probably would have died if I fell but who was really fun sliding down tho and I just had to yell.


I felt so free sliding down and it felt like it was never gonna end.I looked up to see a bunch of men trying to make their way down, I saw the same guy again, the one that tried to kidnap me first, and he was just staring at me with the warmest smile it wasn't creepy it was a soft, warm, smile.

I got to the bottom and ran to the front door and out into the woods.I think I heard over 20 people chasing me. I eventually lost them, I have no clue how, but I stopped to catch my breath at a random tree.I sat there humming until I heard a growl, I looked behind me and didn't see anything so I shrugged it off but when I turned around there was a huge wolf standing in front of me.i was about to run but the Wolf jumped on me.that made me fall flat on the ground, I thought of pushing the wolf off but it's like the wolf could read my mind and he bites my arm, hard, and didn't let go.I screamed out in pain and my vision started going blurry.I guessed it was from blood loss or something, I was about to black out when I saw the wolf get knocked over and minutes later I was picked up by someone.i started to cry not knowing who was carrying me.

"P-please...d-don't H-hurt....m-me" I managed to speak out through my cries and I heard the person whisper in my ear right before I blacked out

"I promise I will never harm you..."

I woke up and had to blink my eyes a few times to get my vision back.I looked around and saw that I was in the same room.great. I looked over at the door as it slowly opened and a man pops his head in.

"Um hello? There's food downstairs if ya want it"

I felt like a caged animal so I did what a caged animal would do.I growled at him and he stepped back and then left the room with the door open.I looked to my right and saw a dresser and a little corner I took the blankets off and saw my arm bandaged up, I walked over to the corner and sat there.I decided I wasn't gonna move and probably starve myself so that I wouldn't be here for long.

After about two hours my room was filled with people trying to get me to move, eat, sleep, talk anything basically and I wouldn't budge.if they tried to touch me I would scream, growl, or bite them.The hardest part of it all was trying not to laugh at them, cause they all looked so stupid it was funny.

After a while, a little boy came into our room.oh no my weakness!!! Cute, adorable children.I stopped growling and just looked at the little toddler in awe.I saw a man whisper something in his ear and I wanted to grow but I didn't wanna scare him.after the guy was done whispering everyone but the guy, who kidnapped me first I guess is my official kidnapper, left the room and it was just me, my official kidnapper, and this little toddler.the toddler slowly walked up to me and then cuddled in my lap.i couldn't take it anymore and I hugged the little toddler and he felt like as if he were my own child but I can't help it, children are my greatest weakness.after a while, I laid the kid on my knees so I could look at him since he was asleep and he was, even more, cuter in his sleep.I have a giant smile at the little toddler and I didn't want to let him go.

I heard my official kidnapper clear his throat and I'm guessed he was about to say something that I probably didn't wanna know or I didn't care.

"Ya know he hasn't talked to anyone since he got here, he only stays in his room and comes out for food that's it, you must have a real effect on him"

I looked up at him and back down at the toddler still smiling.I repeated what the guy said in my head.he hasn't talked to anyone since he got here" what did that mean? Since he was born? Where are his parents?. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the man talking, again.

"You know it looks like he's getting attached to you, you might wanna eat you wouldn't wanna hurt him like that would you?"

No, I wouldn't wanna hurt this beautiful being but I didn't wanna give in either.I stared at the angel in my lap and sighed and finally gave in.stupid children and their adorableness.

"Here I brought up some soup, bread, and some chips"

He set the plate on the bed and left, locking the door, the man is smart I'll give him that.a second later he popped his head back in the room.just leave me, man.

"Oh, by the way, the names blue" he winked and then left.

I got up and put the toddler on the bed and got the food and ate it.after I was finished I laid in bed with the toddler on my stomach and stared at him until I fell asleep.well this is great, now I have a reason to stay, I'll figure it out later....

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