Chapter 1

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The day has finally come. It only took one electronic mail, one stupid note to inform me that I've been accepted. Quite frankly, at first, I can't say I was beyond happy, because I simply wasn't. There is a reason they hired me in such quick notice. It wasn't becuase they were so thrilled with me as a worker and wanted me to start as soon as possible. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Everybody knows what it is like to work in a prison.

First off, the salary, which is probably the most important thing to everyone, is the lowest you can get as a psychologist if you work there. I wouldn't know why, but I know that as a fact. Second off, only small amount of people would actually even consider working there. To the most people, working with males and females who have committed a crime sends them an uneasy feeling and would rather stay at home than risk their lives. I find that ridiculous. Sure, I wasn't happy with the given job either, but it's better than sitting home and doing absolutely nothing. Besides, work at prison can't be that bad, can it?

Reaching the huge complex, I slowed down my steps and took a minute to examine the place from the far distance; where I was going to be working at. For now, that is.

I've only seen this prison in pictures, never in live. Seeing it this close, I can't but notice the size of it and how many people are actually able to fit in. Prior to entry in the very building, there were two high wired fences, whilst the second one had the doors to enter the middle space between them every few meters. There were guards – lots of man in the gray suits – who were standing still and carefully looking out for anything suspicious that might be happening. The building itself was very old, the walls were dark and thick, and every window had bars on them, making it seem like the break out of the prison is impossible.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I made my way to the entrance, where the policeman was standing by. He eyed me as soon as he had seen me and I gave him a small smile, which assured my own mind, more than it did his, that everything's fine.

''Hello,'' I spoke first, ''I am here for the job as a new psychologist. My name's Mia Tennyson.''

His head firmly nodded once, ''May I see your identification?''

I was quick to find a wallet in my black purse, where I pulled my ID with a hideous picture of a nineteen-year-old me out. He examined it for a few moments before giving it back.

''Wait here.''

The man in the gray took a few steps behind, saying some words into his walky-talky, whilst I was doing what I had been told. It only took a few seconds before the main gate opened for me. I thanked the officer and continued to walk further, reaching the main entrance into the insides of this building in front of me.

Guards, who were standing there, haven't questioned me anything as I reached them. I figured they were notified about my coming or they wouldn't let me in at all.

As the door opened, I was almost amazed by what I had to see. Actually, it wasn't the place I was stunned with, it was who made me feel like it. Only a few steps in front of me, there was standing a very short lady. Regardless her formal outfit she was wearing, I couldn't but notice the tattoos that were almost reaching her ankle on her right leg. With her facial features, I could see the similarity between Asians and her, since she did, after all, looked as one. Yet, the moment her mouth flew open and my ears caught her voice, I was surprised with the thick American accent she had.

''Good morning, Miss Tennyson.'' The short lady greeted me, reaching out for my hand, which she gladly shook, ''I'm Nira Everstone, I'm so glad to finally meet you!''

I smiled lightly, ''The feeling is mutual, Miss Everstone. I don't think I'll ever be able to express how thankful I actually am for the opportunity I was given-''

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