Chapter 10

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''It's unnecessary.''

''It is not.'' I rolled my eyes, as I kept losing my patience, ''If anything, it will help you realize that you in fact do have a problem. Others will link to you in a way they've never had prior to that. The same thing goes with you.''

''What part of no fucking way do you not get it?'' Andrei was as furious as I was, probably even more, ''Do whatever the hell you want to but leave me out of it. I'd rather visit that fucking asshole you call warden than be in a freaking group therapy with bunch of dickheads.''

His words were harsh. There was no doubt that he refused to do such thing but I'd never thought that he'd loathed it with every fibre of his body. Seeing how it was meaningless to keep bickering with him, I figured I should better end it before our argument got worse than it has already been.

''Fine.'' I gave up, ''No group therapy.''

His stance was telling me that he was still under the influence of rage but it seemed like he was glad to hear what I had to say, ''I wouldn't go even if you told me so, dorogaya.''

I wasn't going to doubt that, ''You're probably right but let's not argue over this anymore. Since you're here, why wouldn't we make a use of it?''

Instead of looking at me like he was about to slaughter me, his dark eyes changed the way he had been watching me. I knew that look. I didn't know him but I was able to tell when he had something up in his mind. Right now, he had something that left me breathless even before he had a chance to say it out loud.

''Does this mean you're finally ready to give yourself to me?''

And there it was. Dropped like a bombshell, his words knocked every ounce of breaths I possessed. I hated that – the way he cast a spell on me, had me wrapped around his finger. Although I made no intention to interact in such way with him, I hated him for making me feel forbidden things in a way where I had to screw my legs against each other, just to stop feeling that neediness inbetween.

''That's not what I-''

''You said you want to make a use of this, right?'' He came closer, leaning himself against the hard table. I was safe for now, as I kept my distance, ''Why don't we? We're both adults, we're both needy and by the way you're stiff right now tells me how much you're fighting against it.''


''When are you going to realize that absolutely nothing is going to happen between us? Ever. What we have is professional and professional only.''

He smirked and leaned even closer, ''Call it whatever you want, dorogaya, as long as I have my head between those thick legs of yours-''

''That's enough, Andrei!'' My voice rose up for a few octaves, leaving both him and I bewildered by my sudden outburst, ''I am no longer going to pull up with your behavior. Either you'll start acting normal or I swear to God, I'm calling the warden.''

It happened, just like that. One of my flaws was that I easily break under the pressure. And I did. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want prisoner who was sitting in front of me. But that was just a desire of mine – a desire which shall never happen, not if the two of us were the last people on this Earth. As a psychologist, I knew for a fact that doing nothing about the situation is almost the same as leading that person to go forward. So, in my mind, I was aware that this had to be stopped. Telling him off was the only thing I could do to keep him away from me.

He stared at me for a long time, too long for my liking. For one slightest moment, I thought, I actually thought, that he was offended in a way. But his words neglected the thoughts which were swirling in my head.

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