Chapter 13

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Please read the A/N in the end, especially if you're from Balkan region. Thank you!

''Is everyone alright?'' I asked Aaron as soon as I saw him. He was quickly pacing down the hall where I was standing at, furious in a way where I scarcely recognized him. Answers were needed, though, and I was sure to find out more about them.

He passed by me, ''I don't have time for this.''

Stunned, I looked baffled at him, contemplating whether or not I was to blame for his actions, ''What happened?''

Aaron slowed down and turned around to face me. His face was anything but friendly in that moment. It was a very odd experience – seeing him as such.

''Those... those maniacs are causing problems and fighting whoever they see and you really ask what happened?''

I stepped forward, ''No, I meant what happened with you. You don't seem so well.''

''Maybe because I'm not, Mia.'' He replied, ''Three of my men are driven away to receive the medical help and it's all thanks to them. Not to even mention you almost slit someone's throat-''

''I didn't do that.'' I defended myself, although it could have looked like it. I possessed no self-control and acted in a spur of a moment, ''I know how it looked like, but I would never do such thing.''

''Then why did you?'' Aaron asked, as he took a step forward to me. He was now closer than I'd like, ''Why did you defend the guy who has harmed others?''

I gulped down, ''Because Andrei had nothing to do with my attack. He was there to... save me.''

If someone told me that he'd be the one to step in and help me out, I wouldn't believe the person one word.

''Are you that naive? Even if he was the one who kicked the guy's ass, do you still think he'd be all rainbows and sunshine afterward? He'd hurt you and go for the exit himself.''

''That's not true!'' My voice almost yelled. I surprised even myself with this sudden outburst and defending mechanism I grew towards Andrei, ''He... He's not like that, he'd-''

''Spare me, I have to check out if my men are stable.'' He nodded his head once at something behind me and added, ''You can continue to hang out with your hero while I'm gone.''

Bewildered, I turned around and faced a man who saved me earlier today. He was back to being in handcuffs and chains, like a prisoner that he is, with an assistance of two guards – not one of them being strong enough for him.

His eyes were fixated on me, or Aaron and I, but as I turned around once again he was gone. The guard in front of my office, who always seemed to have a friendly face, vanished into thin air just like that.

''Miss,'' One of the guards called out, ''please come with us. The warden requested two of you in his office.''

Did everyone seriously find out what happened back there?

''Very well.'' I murmured and complied anyway. I followed them from behind, trying not to gawk at Andrei's broad back and shoulders. Until then, I hadn't actually realized I was so small compared to almost everyone around me. Especially to the prisoner who was walking in front of me.

It didn't take us long to reach warden's office. I kind of felt relieved when I couldn't find Nira near his room, considering how there was a large possibility she might have heard what happened in the yard and tried to confront me about it. I wasn't up for that, not yet at least.

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