Chapter 6

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''Are you standing there all the time or you actually have a lunch time?'' I asked Aaron, who's been guarding my office ever since I got here, as I peeked out of the room I was settled in. After thinking about taking in every single inmate who's being resident here, so I could be sure if some of them seeked for my help, I got bored and decided to consult with Aaron.

His head quickly turned to my direction once he heard my voice and that dull expression he had, vanished completely, ''You wouldn't guess it, but I actually do have a lunch time.'' He sent me a smile and I returned.

''That's nice to know.'' I said honestly, as I closed the door behind me, ''I know that I'd get bored very easily just by standing in front of someone's office.''

Aaron motioned with his head at the plain black chair behind him, ''I can sit as well.''

I laughed, ''You sure can.''

''Is there anything you need, Mia? Do I need to bring someone to you?''

I shook my head, neglecting his question, ''I was actually hoping that I could get a help from you.''

''Oh yeah?'' He looked surprised, I could tell, ''What can I do for you?''

Sighing, I started to tell what was on my mind, ''Well, I've never had a working experience in the prison and I'm still trying to figure out how to get along with everyone. And I also know that not everyone speaks about their problems and some of them probably don't even know that they actually do need a help. So I was thinking that I could take in every single one of them and that way I could see who really needs it. But I want to know what you think – if they're going to listen and if I'm going to be able to manage to work with them.''

He thought about it for a second, ''If you think that you'd be able to handle them, then yeah, you should do that. The prison has a lot of inmates, though, and it'd take some time for you to talk with all of them. But if you don't think that you can handle a lot of different types of people, then you shouldn't even try it because you're going to see cases that you never thought you would.''

''I know, but it's still my job, right? I need to be able to help everyone.''

''Mia, there's a reason why all of them ended up in here. The minority of them might have come here because they made a big mistake once in their life and now they're paying for it. But ninety percent of them are constant criminals and wouldn't hesitate to harm others. I, first, wouldn't trust any of them.''

What he said was nothing but the truth. In theory, all of them needed a help since they were part of the institution that forced upon a strict regime they now had to respect, whilst having almost no rights whatsoever. Just like Aaron said, the majority of them are still considered as bad guys because they embraced the label which was sewn by the society. It shouldn't be like that, though.

''I agree with you. I'll just have to wait and see until I make my final decision. Thanks for your help.''

He flashed a genuine smile to me, ''No problem.''

The moment I turned around to get back into my office, I recalled that one thing I wanted from him, ''Oh-and Aaron? Could you please bring Zakharov? I need to speak to him.''

''As you wish, boss.''

I anticipated what could possibly go wrong with my decision about bringing Andrei in here. I've got very clear orders and therefore I had no option left but to execute it.

But every time I'm aware that I'll be facing him in a matter of a few minutes, it sends me over the edge. Knowing that he's capable of making me feel things that should be forbidden in every way, I fear of the possible outcome of our conversation.

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