Chapter 7

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The lights were off, whilst neon lights and senzors were the only things that cut the darkness on this floor. Music was blasting out loud, bass was being on point a bit too much for my liking and there were more people than I was able to count. All of that described a night life in one of the town's club called Hollywood, although it didn't match the luxury like the real one does.

Moving aside some negative aspects, I was feeling elated to be there with my old friends I hadn't seen in awhile. Kelsy, Victoria, Rachel and I were standing beside the bar with the drinks we had ordered in our hands. Kelsy made a toast, as we took a few sips of the cold liquid afterward. It burned my throat a little, but I neverminded it.

''We should go and dance after we finish our drinks,'' Rachel suggested and we nodded our heads in agreement.

''So, Mia, how's it like to work with bad boys?'' Kelsy seductively winked at me and I burst out laughing. It was nothing like that, she knew that, but liked to tease me nevertheless.

''Not as bad as I thought it'd be,'' I admitted and Victoria looked stunned more than the rest of girls.

''I hope that doesn't mean we'll have to visit you there soon.'' Laughing again, I took another sip of my drink and thought about it for a second. Me in a prison? That was nearly impossible.

''Nope, I don't think that'll be the case.''

As we said, we went among other people after finishing our drinks, and let our bodies move to the rhythm of the music. It was just like the old times, every time felt even better than the last one and neither one of us could dare ourselves to think about anything that bothers us in that moment. We were just young females who wanted to enjoy our lifetime and for once, get back to those days where we didn't have to act like adults.

I wasn't aware of the time that had passed while we were on the dance floor. At one moment, I could feel someone tugging on my shirt from behind. Just as I mentally groaned in my mind, thinking that it must be a man who wasn't sober in any way, I was bewildered once I saw no one else but my work colleague.

''Aaron!'' We embraced each other in our hands for a second, ''I didn't know you were coming!''

Although I had my back turned to girls, I could feel their eyes boring into me, ''I didn't know you were coming either. If I did, I'd suggest we could go together.''

''Yeah, I'm here with my friends – here, meet them!'' I turned around and just like I expected, all of them were looking at us. Actually, their eyes were more set on him than they were on me. I do have to admit, he looked pretty nice for a guy his age, but I could only see him as a person I work with – nothing else.

''Aaron, these are Kelsy, Victoria, and Rachel. Guys, meet Aaron, he's the guy I work with.'' Each one of them greeted him with a smile big enough that showed off their perfect white teeth. Expression they wore on their faces showed how much they cherished this moment, as they eyed him in astonishment and curiosity.

''Wow, Mia never told us about you.'' Victoria was the first one to speak. Typical.

Aaron chuckled, ''I don't remember she mentioned you either.''

My dear friend glared at me like she couldn't believe I could've done such thing to her, as if I committed a crime which deserved a death penalty, ''She can be rude at the times, I agree!''

I rolled my eyes and turned my look to Aaron, ''Who are you here with?''

Unsatisfied with the fact that we have to yell at each other just so we could hear what we were saying, I stood closer to him, hoping that I wouldn't have to repeat myself again, ''Friends. They're waiting for me over there at the bar.''

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