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"come over?" cole whined, causing lyla to giggle a little, "please we're bored!"

lyla laughed, smiling broadly as cole continued to plead for her company, "alright alright, give me fifteen and i'll be over. say hi to dyl for me real quick!"

to be truthful she was nervous as hell to see dylan after the breakup. things had been okay; they'd spoken on a number of occasions since, but it wasn't the same. with any luck, things would be... normal.

"see you in fifteen babe, bye lyls! oh and dyl says hello!"

she hung up with a smile, heading towards her bedroom to grab a jacket and slip on her docs, clutching her keys in her hands and heading for the door.

she arrived at cole's within ten minutes, knocking on the door and being greeted by both dylan and cole.

she followed them into the lounge, where a carefully constructed den was set up just in front of the television on which they'd been playing video games. "nice, boys."

she collapsed down beside them within the den, grabbing a controller and joining them in their gameplay.

"you told me you were good at this? lyls you're shit." dylan mocked, earning a playful slap from lyla. "shut up! i'm better than you, asshat!"

"i think not," he teased, earning yet another slap. he turned around, face deadly serious.

"stop slapping me lyla."

she burst out in laughter, unable to take him seriously as always. he followed suit, erupting into a fit of laughter alongside her. "idiot!"

cole sat a metre or so away, eyes fixed on the television screen and face set in a twisted frown. was he jealous?

the day continued like this. dylan and lyla laughing and joking, and cole sitting alone and with a permanent frown etched on his face.

"cole, what's wrong? you've been acting all weird all day." lyla finally asked when dylan went to take a phone call.

"so you did notice?" cole scoffed dismissively, picking up his controller again.

"what's that supposed to mean, cole? of course i noticed. you've hardly even smiled at me all day."

"maybe if you and dylan separated for just a second to actually talk to me i would've graced you with some form of smile." he clenched his jaw but softened his gaze as he saw lyla's face drop.

"that's what this is about? me not being awkward with dylan and you being jealous? look i'm sorry but i do still miss him being there as a friend. we caught up, that's all." lyla bit her lip.

"since when did catching up with someone you no longer want to date entail flirting with them and ignoring the person you're supposed to want to date now?"

"never. it never has. but since when did making jealous assumptions become okay when you know i love you and that me and dylan are through? how many times do i have to tell you that i love you before you grasp that idea?"

"look i'm sorry. but you know how i feel and how worried i've been. you getting back together with dylan would be ideal - everyone still thinks you're together! dating me is a risk and i don't want you to decide you're better off with him."

"cole are you stupid? dylan spent half the day making fun of me about you! not that you'd know considering you ignored us all day, but still. he knows, clearly better than you do, that im in love with you."

"it might not be the best timing, but i've been waiting to do this anyway and if i'm going to apologise for being jealous and pathetic maybe it actually is the right time. after all the shit its taken to even admit our feelings, will you be my girlfriend, delilah?" cole cupped lyla's face as he spoke, their proximity now close.

"of course, cole. and for the record, as much as i hate you being pissed off at me: you look hot when you're jealous and annoyed." she winked, tiptoeing to kiss him ever so gently.

this was a mess but they're finally together bless them x x

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