Chapter 1

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"Good morning, Aisu," a few of my Academy classmates said, out of habit, when I entered the classroom.

"Morning." I trudged up the steps and sat down in the corner, near the back of the room. After removing my book bag, I took out my library book and resumed reading from last night. Slowly, my other classmates trickled in, increasing the number of voices in the classroom.

All was fairly peaceful until--

"Shut up, Ino-Pig!" Sakura screamed at Ino. "I was here first!" Both girls were at the door, elbowing each other, trying to get in first.

"No, I was!"

"As if!"

I raised my head from the book on my lap to see Sakura and Ino glowering at each other.

When Sakura and Ino, two fangirls of Sasuke, started a yelling match at each other, more girls came into the classroom to join the argument. Sasuke, their idol, sitting at the center desk, ignored them all.

I watched as the screams grew angrier, and the boys began slowly backing away, some more quickly than others. The growing cluster of furious fangirls spouted off reasons why Sasuke belonged to her.

I glanced at the clock, watching the long hand tick by slowly. Only twenty more minutes until class started. Iruka Sensei wasn't here yet.

"Here we go again," Kiba muttered from the desk across from me. I glanced over to see Akamaru yipping an exasperated response before looking back at the fangirls. Just then, one girl pulled another girl's hair, and a leg flew into someone else's stomach.

Seconds later, books were thrown across the room, and pencils were used as weapons. Everyone else who wasn't involved ducked under desks or run out into the hall. In an effort to look cool and collected, Sasuke sat at the desk near the door and dodged everything that came his way.

I followed suit and hid underneath the desks, safe from sharp objects and textbooks alike. After ten minutes, the brawl turned into a duel between Sakura and Ino.

"Man, those girls are scary," Naruto whispered to Kiba. Even if Naruto was notoriously known for being late, that didn't stop him from witnessing a "Fangirl Fight" at least three times a week, no matter how late he was or what time it happened to be.

It was a wonder why no one ever stopped these fights. Shikamaru's theory was that the teachers believed that these fights were good practice for the girls.

Sometimes, fights start once the Academy ends or maybe a few spars during lunchtime. Girls would compete over anything--hair length, eyesight, voice, grades, experience, gifts--anything to prove their superiority that they deserve Sasuke.

"Hey! Iruka-Sensei has posted the results of our last exam!" A student yelled from the door.

"Ladies first," Kiba said to the boys. "Unless you want to be trampled by them." Heads nodded in agreement, and we patiently waited for the girls to leave. Once they were gone, the rest of us followed.

At the top of the name board, I saw Sasuke's name hanging just under than mine. At the right of each name, the scores were given. Sasuke had earned 126 points, but I had earned 130.

"First, again? I bet you're happy to see the Uchiha kid falling short of you again," Kiba remarked from behind me. "Which is weird, considering you read fictional books all the time, and he's the one studying academic books or whatever."

"That's just life," I replied.


I didn't reply, but Shino did. "Someone has to be better than someone else. In this world, there are no two people exactly the same. They can compete as much as they like, however, one will always be superior to the other in certain areas."

"Then I'm going to prove to everyone that I'm better than Sasuke!" Naruto promised, grinning. "I'm going to become Hokage, someday!"

"That's too much trouble," Shikamaru complained.

"Hey, Shikamaru, did you answer the bonus question?" His best friend Choji asked, looking at the list.

"Nope. Too much work."

"I bet he could answer the question if he wasn't so lazy," Kiba muttered.

"Everyone, come back into the classroom!" Iruka Sensei called from down the hall.

"Hai, Sensei!" We hurried down the hall and back into our seats just as the bell rang.

"Right! Let's get started."

I slid the library book back into my book bag and watched Iruka Sensei write on the chalkboard.

The Innocent Murderer (Mary Sue Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora