Chapter 12

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"Why don't you kill him yourself?" I raised an eyebrow at Haku who squatted on a branch, as he tied on his mask. "You are more than capable than doing so."

"I am under his contract."

"So you want me to essentially kill your boss once my team defeats you and Zabuza?"

"Yes." I stared at him, the mask finally in place and his eyes peering back at me.

"I see." I observed the man for a few minutes, taking note of his luxurious lifestyle. He had taken money from the townspeople and had hired Zabuza and Haku to prevent the bridge from being built. However, Kind-Hearted Haku wanted Gato, his target and boss, dead.

"Remember, I want his head. Mince up his body if you wish." Haku disappeared. I turned my attention back to the pig-man.

"Number his men." Soldiers rose from the ground, each armed with a simple dagger. I sat in the tree, watching as one by one, the numbers of Gato's men slowly dwindled. My soldiers killed enough for an small mob of townspeople to take down, but not too many to arouse suspicion.

"Clean the evidence." I stood up from my perch and looked back towards Tazuna's house. I was going to complete Haku's job.

Hours later, Sakura and I stood protectively around Tazuna, while Kakashi Sensei fought against Zabuza, and the boys took on Haku.

"Track the target Gato." I muttered, low enough that neither Tazuna or Sakura could hear. I could sense several underground soldiers crawling their way through the ground and beneath the target. Gato was still far away.

Suddenly, I sensed Haku approaching me from the boys' fight. I ran forward, while Haku followed from a sharp turn and threw ice needles at me. I dodged them, jerked around, and faced Haku straight on.

I swung my right leg at him, then threw my body into a side twist before smashing my other leg right at his face. He dodged the first one then braced my leg with his arms.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura screamed, running towards the unmoving boy. Naruto was no better off, yet he tried to sit up from where he was.

"That girl is a fool," Haku commented, as I kicked him, breaking his mask.

"If she cared about the mission, that is," I responded, closing the distance between us. Haku couldn't' rely on his ice needles to hit me; I was too close. Instead, he choose to face me, close combat. We went from taijutsu to basic sparring techniques. I quickened my pace, while Haku, unable to keep up with my speed, fell from my barrage of attacks, ranging from fists, kicks, and knee jabs.

"I probably won't be alive for that request, but..." Haku whispered, struggling to get up.

"I know." I kicked him in the stomach, and he choked up blood. Suddenly, Haku focused his attention behind me.

"Zabuza-san..." I turned towards Kakashi Sensei and Zabuza's fight. Milliseconds later, Haku took the fatal blow from Kakashi Sensei.

Sakura gasped, looking horror-stricken, while Naruto, who had gotten back on his feet, stared on hi shock.

"Haku was always too soft, too kind-hearted," was all Zabuza said, and continued his fight with Kakashi Sensei, while Haku's body fell limply onto the ground.

"No way..." Sakura gasped, her eyes filled with tears. "No way...It can't be."

"Yes, Sakura, Haku is dead."

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