Chapter 33

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I stepped past the east gates of Konoha, inhaling the fresh, light air. The Death Island had thick, heavy smog that covered the entire island which made breathing difficult to foreigners. Here, I had returned to Konoha.

Why had I returned? Hadn't I made my point that my existence in Konoha is pointless?

The deal I had made with the Akatsuki a few days ago made me return. I needed to prepare for the mission they gave me.

First, I reported to the Hokage's office, and met the Fifth Hokage, Lady Tsunade. It appears Naruto has successfully brought her back. Before I could leave, however, she called the rest of Team Seven to her office.

"Aisu Ku...You are still on probation and will not be permitted to work with Team Seven," Lady Tsunade said after the greetings were over.

"Understood," I said politely. "If that's all."

She held my gaze coolly before waving her hand in a shooing gesture. I took that as my cue and left promptly.

Now then...I need to set up a plan quickly...before my target escapes.

For the next several days, I infiltrated the Academy. I counted the children, watched their routines, and calculated their patterns. These children would do well for the next part of my plan. All I need to do is setup the perfect situation and get them when they least expect it.

Before I could continue observing, Kakashi Sensei grabbed my forearm.


"Aisu, what are you doing?" His eye narrowed down at me. "You better not be plotting something."

"And if I am?"

He hesitated slightly before saying, "Then I'll have to stop you."

"I'm not planning to murder anyone," I answered, turning my gaze back at the children rushing back into the Academy. It seems recess was over.

"Aisu." He said nothing more but I knew what he meant. The underlying message was there, a clear warning for me.

I ignored him and after awhile, he eventually left.

After a moment, I headed back to my old apartment. I spent days in my apartment, hardly leaving the laptop I was working at. I wanted to be sure I could get Sasuke into my plan.

"Let's see... how well an average human civilian can take this?" I wondered to myself.

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