Chapter 9

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I kept silent for a few minutes. "Is that what you truly believe?"

"Huh?" Sakura returned, looking confused.

"Never mind. Forget that  I said anything." I strode ahead right next to Tazuna. He moved away from me slightly but retained the distance fairly short.

"Wait, explain yourself!" Sakura demanded. She pulled on my arm sharply, but I wrestled my arm away and darted to the side. "Hey--!"

"Shhh!" Tazuna snapped. "There are spies everywhere!" Sakura instantly lowered her voice.

She went back to Sasuke and whispered, "Don't worry, Sasuke-kun, I'll find out everything about her."

Now she's Sasuke's personal spy. She shouldn't bother at all. I don't care for long conversations and explanations. I'm not going to explain my life story for her. That's too long.

After traveling for another good hour, we found ourselves in the Land of Waves. Tazuna welcomed us at his house and were quickly introduced to the family.

I watched scene after scene play out among my team and Tazuna's family of three. First was the little boy Inari who quickly disliked our ninja duties, adding the final sentence "They're going to be killed anyway!" While there was some truth to that claim, Naruto instantly became riled up and had to be stopped by Kakashi Sensei.

During supper, I watched Inari, noting his every move. When he met my eyes, I saw pity. In fact, his entire demeanor was pity towards us. he truly believed we weren't strong enough to defend ourselves from Gato.

When Sakura asked about the torn picture on the wall, Tazuna mentioned Inari's "father," causing the boy the leap up from the table and run off deeper into the house.

"Follow," I said. One of my soldiers took the order and left. He did not come into the house, nor did he destroy the floor panels to obey my command. I felt him exit from outside and track the boy somewhere from outside the house.

"What?" Sakura questioned, leering at me.

"What...what?" I returned, sipping my tea.

"Stop copying me!"

"Start over, what is the what that you wanted to know?"

"What were you saying?"

"Saying what?"

"I was asking you that!"

"Sakura, lower your voice," Kakashi Sensei warned from the table. "We're in a guest in someone else's house. Please be more quiet and show some courtesy. Also, don't start fights with your teammates."

"But Sensei, she won't tell us her abilities!" Sakura whined, putting up a fuss. "She's supposed to tell us! We're her teammates!"

"How are we supposed to work together as a team if we don't know each other's abilities?" Sasuke added. Naruto didn't say much. He was starting to doze at the table. His head bobbled slightly and his mouth began to drool.

"Good point, Sasuke-kun!"

Kakashi Sensei sighed, shutting his one visible eye. After taking some deep breaths, he looked at me. "Aisu..."

"I can't."

"But we're a team," Sakura stressed impatiently. "So spit it out already!"

"Sakura!" Kakashi Sensei suddenly snapped. She looked taken back as she looked at him. Then, in a calmer tone, he said, "Aisu has a peculiar...let's say...condition. She can't explain her abilities to you. All she can do is show it.

"Is it because one of the conditions is being unable to define her ability?" Sasuke confirmed. Kakashi Sensei slowly nodded.

"Something of that nature. One day, maybe Aisu will tell you. If not, you'll be able to see plenty of it in the near future."

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