Chapter 15

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"She's just sitting there, reading again," Naruto complained from a far distance. He and the rest of Team Seven had gone into Spying Mode. I was their target. According to my own corpse spies, they were trying to figure out my abilities.

I can hear you, I thought, getting up from my perch. I headed to my apartment, while my team chased me. I shut the door and checked the windows, seeing them all locked and secured.

After preparing some instant coffee, I lied on the bed and continued where I left off in my book.

My powers are simple enough. I could summon the army of the undead and order them as I please. Chakra is not a requirement to call my subordinates.

Now, what is my background?

I was raised in the Death kingdom. Believe me, it's very original. Centuries ago, a ninja had single handedly conquered the world's safest and highly defensed kingdom, the Uqutia Empire. The ninja killed everyone residing within the kingdom and buried everyone according to their gender and age.

The ninja buried all men from age 30 and up in the soldiers' courtyard. Boys from the age 12 to 29 were buried in the weaponry. Boys below the age 12 were buried in the nursery.

Women age 40 and up were buried in the maid's courtyard. Women ages 20 to 39 were buried in the servant quarters. Girls ages 10 to 19 were buried in the library. Girls ages 9 and below were also buried in the nursery.

The basic concept was this: where you were buried, that's what your after-life occupation was.

The Uqutia Empire had become the Death Kingdom. Year after year, thousands of corpse ships sail to the island and dump the bodies into the bay. When the bodies resurfaced, hundreds of skeletons would collect the bodies and haul them to the palace.

I was presumably a baby when I ended up in one of the corpse ships. I lied in the bottom of the "dump tray" and eventually landed in the Death Kingdom.

The skeleton took me in and within hours, made me their princess. They educated me, fed me, cared for me, and nurtured me until I was seven years old. That's when they taught me a technique, the "Call." I could summon them whenever I liked.

Several years later, a ship crashed into my island, and its survivors found me. The skeletons and corpses played dead, while I scratched together a story to how I got to the Death Kingdom. I lied, of course.

Weeks later, I boarded the ship with the survivors and landed in Konoha.

The end.

Why don't I tell Team Seven then? They do have a good point about being a team after all. We're supposed to share information, right?

I sat up from the bed and crossed the room to reach the hot water kettle on the counter. I pushed a mug under the spout and let the hot water mix with the coffee powder. I added milk and sugar along with some ice from my mini fridge. My coffee was done.

One, I don't talk unless needed to. That being said, I don't talk a lot.

Two, I don't trust my team. That being said, I don't trust anyone.

Humans are fickle creatures.

When given a situation, they have to decide who or what to sacrifice in benefit for something or someone else. For example, if Sakura and I were in trouble, and Naruto could only choose one of us, who would it be? If he was smart, he would have to consider the future effect the survivor would have on the team. Why should I trust someone who would eventually betray me for the benefit of something else?

Humans are selfish people.

Hypothetically, two friends are shown a large sum of money. They each have two choices: one, split the money, or two, take the money. If both choose take, neither gets it. If they both choose split, the money is divided equally. If one chooses take and the other split, all the money goes to the person who choose take.

Now comes the hard part. Would these friends choose each other? Or their selfish desires? Many times, human would take a choice that would benefit themselves rather than someone else. Even he has a reputation for being kind, he will eventually be forced to sacrifices in order to benefit either himself or the people around him.

I stared outside the window, seeing Naruto's spiky hair from the roof. Sakura's dress swayed in corner, and Sasuke's wide collar was enough to spot him.

Kakashi Sensei was wrong: teamwork is useless.

Especially when no one can be trusted.

The Innocent Murderer (Mary Sue Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant