Breach of Privacy

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Flora's POV

I wondered if I was in some kind of a trance. My mind was numb and it couldn't comprehend what was actually happening. My head felt detached from my body, and I was so tired. Why was I the only one so tired? Grey never got tired, nor did Dani.

It was weird how they were all so strong. Me on the other hand? I could try and try but there were some limits that bordered on inhuman.

Inhuman.′ I said again, something about that word made me feel strange. There were so many strange and inexplicable things in this world, such fascinating things, mystical things. I remembered a project I had done in school on mythology, the scary yet mesmerising stories I'd read. I sat there for a minute or two more, before reality crashed into my consciousness like a ball through glass.

I was alone in the middle of a dense forest!

And it was getting so cold.

And I could barely feel my body.

And I had no idea where my friends were!

Were they okay?

At that last thought, I willed myself to my feet, using the tree trunk as support.

As I stood up better, and took in my surroundings, the more I was sure that something was wrong. It was eerily quiet and the silence was giving me chills. My arms automatically went around my body.

It felt like all the living things had cleared out of the area apart from the trees. I was getting privacy I didn't ask for, a privacy that felt lonely and scary.

My head whirled once more and I decided to sit back down.

I had no idea how much time had passed, but I knew that there was something seriously wrong with me.

From nearby, I heard a twig snap and I froze, trying to stifle my heavy breathing.

Were there wild animals in this forest?!

My heart was thumping so loudly in my chest that any animal was going to hear it from far away.

Then there was no further sound and I took calming breaths that were very much required. Maybe it had gone away, maybe there was nothing, maybe I was going crazy.

Maybe I should stop thinking altogether. I chided myself.

I tried to stand again and this time managed to get up much more easily. I had one aim and that was to get home immediately. I made up my mind and gathered all my strength, more determined than ever.

That was until I heard another twig break and this time it was right behind me.

For a moment time stopped still, and I was a statue.

Then I heard the unmistakable sound of an animal breathing deeply and by the feeling of the moist hot breath on my neck, I knew that it was huge.

The hair on my neck was rose and for the first time in my life I was contemplating death.

I knew I had three choices; to run, to fight or to stand perfectly still and let it think I was dead, or inedible.

But in the dead silence of the night, where I could hear my own pulse racing, option three was no longer an option.

I decided against fighting because I was not stupid - I had no strength or skills and luck was rarely on my side.

That left running, but to run where? Around the tree? Zig zag? Straight?

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