Inhale. Exhale.

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"It should be right past that turning." Xena told me, as we tried to navigate the car through the unpaved road. Let me just put it out there; sedans should never be used as off road vehicles. I could visibly cringe at the sort of sounds the car was making as it attempted the winding uphill climb. Xena was mumbling constantly about how we should have picked the jeep instead and that this car was going to have a fucked suspension. This girl and cars - it was a language I just didn't speak.

"I said we could've stopped at the hotel and switched cars - or taken the general transit they had organised to get the rest of the guests up here." I spoke up and she rolled her eyes.

"I know you. You'd probably then make a comment about how you are so tired and then just sleep at the hotel - leaving me to come here all alone."

She couldn't be more right.

"Why would they keep a midnight feast in such a shady place anyway?" She added with an irritated sigh and I shot her a knowing look.

"Don't worry, I can already hear the music." I knew why she was wary of the forest. Anybody would be after yesterday, especially after what we had seen. My phone rang for the tenth time and the blonde groaned. She reached for it before I could and answered.

"We are coming! You need to calm that dick of yours!" I burst out laughing at her choice of words. If she knew he was a King, would she still talk like this? Yes, yes she would.

Xena didn't care much about social positions. From the other end of the line I could hear Reece murmuring something that made Xena burst out laughing before she kept the call. "I like him." She said in an approving tone. My curiosity peaked but I knew she'd never tell me what he said. She loved to make things mysterious. So instead I just said, "That's good."

The thought of facing Reece made me nervous. It always made me nervous but after what took place in the pool today - there was just so much stuff hanging in the air. I knew he was ecstatic, as was I, but I was trying to be cool about it and failing. Honestly Xena coming and dragging me out was a great escape from the 'where are we' conversation. I knew where we were in his head - we were married and maybe had kids. I gulped at that thought - in my head I was still running at a snail's pace because I was just such a coward.

And the crazy thing was that I didn't even know if it mattered all this while - did I even have a choice? Was he going to let me go if I had said no?

The road bent into a sharp turn that opened up to this huge clearing. The place had obviously been put to good use. Loud music, colorful streamers and tables spread with fancy food stood ahead of us. There were several people already holding plates and sitting on the mattresses on the grass. A few people were dancing on this makeshift dance floor under a huge set of dizzying lights. Several more chairs and tables had been set up for the people who didn't want to sit down and eat.

The Wolf staff was smartly, but warmly dressed for the event as they catered to everybody and a host spoke through the speakers between the music to keep the midnight feast an entertaining event.

He stood out like a shiny object among the rest of the crowd, or maybe my eyes just found him easily, but something about him put him apart from those around him. I noticed small things - like how the staff made sure to never get too close to him, or to bother him, but they kept glancing to see if he needed something. Sienna stood on one side of his gorgeous body wearing an elegant black dress. They were both engaged in a conversation with a group of other people (probably customers) as they socialized and made sure that everyone was having a great time. I spotted Grey and Daniella a little distance away, cuddling on the grass. They were much too PDA for my liking, but I realized now how it was so difficult to keep your hands off your mate. All I wanted to do was to have my way with Reece.

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