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Nate's POV

Her blood pressure was so high. I could hear it thrumming through the room as if someone had put a stethoscope to her heart and attached it to a loudspeaker. I couldn't understand what was making her heart race! It wasn't me, not this time. Everything in her body language screamed a warning. She was wound up tight - a single wrong move and she would spring. She wouldn't even meet my eye. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to be a live wire in a different way. In a 'I can't understand what's going on but I want more of it sort of way.'

What is going on with her?

I don't know, Alpha. I replied with disdain. I was already proving a poor mate.

Don't blame yourself, figure out how to get her to talk to you. Logical sister as always.

Yeah, yeah I know I know. Seemed like some of her emotions were seeping into me. I could feel her terror as she sat there in front of me, right next to our Queen. Aaaah! I wish I could just shake her until she let her guard down!

"You guys look so serious, I'm fine!" Flora repeated for the hundredth time but I hardly heard her. I knew she was fine for now. Noori was taking her blood pressure as we spoke. I could watch my mate eye her every move. I was tempted to make her measure Xena's instead.

Did you say something to her? The words came out harsher than I intended.

No, I haven't even spoken to her. Nate, you have got to relax. Earn her trust. Noori replied, huffing internally. I knew she was right but my Wolf couldn't help but pace. The worst part was that she didn't drop one hint. Her face was a mask devoid of emotion and if I didn't have my senses I wouldn't ever realize how alarmed she was.

"We know that," Reece said without skipping a beat. "We're just making sure." She spoiled her face. I couldn't help the next words then.

"Is something wrong, Xena?" She blanched and immediately schooled her features. I couldn't see a single crack in her facade. It was only her heart that was betraying her. "No, of course not! I'm just glad that she finally woke up."

Lies lies lies. I pressed my lips into a thin line and accepted her answer halfheartedly. It hurt that she couldn't trust me but I knew it was too soon.

Alpha, could you ask the Queen to ask her when they're alone?

Already did. I worry about your mate too, you know. I also told her that you both are mates, so that she can try to understand how Xena feels.

We all do. Grey added. Simultaneous mindlinks from everyone else in the room made me feel better. More validated. It was fine. With everyone by my side I'd got this.

"Well, everything seems normal. Her vitals are up and at this point it looks like all she did is faint out of exhaustion." Noori announced mostly for Xena's benefit. I saw a ghost of doubt pass through her face before she arranged her expression to a big smile.

"Exhaustion, huh. That's weird. All I remember is drinking too much. Man this vacation is really turning out as a mess huh?" Her troubled words, although laced with humor let us all know how guilty she was feeling. For the first time I could see Xena show some genuine emotion as she placed her hand on Flora's. "Don't do that. It's not your fault."

"She's right. That's a good friend you have there." Noori added, for extra measure. Xena's expression didn't reciprocate any warmth.

She clearly hates us. Dani mindlinked, unabashed.

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