Perhaps it is Utterly Stupid

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Things happened too quickly for my eyes.

How was that possible?

April opened the door and disappeared. Atticus was by my side in a flash, but instead of producing a key and uncuffing me, he held the bed post with one of his hands and yanked.

For one second, despite the obvious terror of this unknown threat, I laughed at his stupidity.

Any person would have to have inhuman strength to break that post - it was thick as well as dense - and he was using one arm.

And then my hand felt a slight jerk as the post split away from the frame at the bottom.

Had he j-just broken-

"Listen to me, Luna." Atticus said quickly, but softly.

He m-managed to rip that-

"You go up and out the fire escape, they can't reach there unless human, it's narrow" He continued.

It was impossible! He couldn't have snapped that! My eyes were obviously playing tricks-

"And then you run. Take this with you it's a Locci" - he thrust a small pebble in my palm- "it will - Luna are you listening!?" Atticus shook me harshly and I rattled.

My frightened eyes met his focused, firm ones and he stopped instructing me for a second.

He stepped back as he removed the handcuff from the broken post, sliding it up along with my hand and I was free. He was mumbling something as he did.

"Flora, don't get scared of me." He said slowly. He didn't make a single move closer to me, his hands were up, palms facing towards me.

From outside I could hear vicious growls and rips and whines, like an animal was wounded. It was unbearable to listen to, all I wanted to do was go and cocoon the injured creature, and nurse it back to health.

Atticus stepped a little closer and I immediately flinched away from him, still eyeing the spot where the wood was split.


I got up and ran towards the corner of the room, my eyes never leaving his form. Atticus didn't move an inch, but his eyes were on me, a silent plea in them.

"Try to climb trees. Stay away from anybody who doesn't smell right. Please for god's sake listen to me. Go through narrow spaces. Use the handcuffs as defense. Flora please this is important." He continued talking but my mind was blank.


"Go now Flora! Quick! Through the window!" He urged from beside the bed. The whining animal had been silenced. Someone was running up the stairs. Atticus threw me one last look before he moved to the door.

"You don't want to see this! Run!" He said loudly, as he took an attacking stance.

The door was broken down.

A nude male form appeared in the doorway, blood dripping down the side of his mouth. He looked disgusting, worse than any state I'd ever seen a person in. He smelled, his hair was shaggy, he had cuts all over him and his nails were huge, dirty, and bloody.

But when he turned his head toward me I saw him smile - a smile full of hatred and loathing, a smile so evil it would have killed me in an instant if it could. He smiled at me like a man possessed, a psychopath, with his bloody teeth showing and then he let out a loud growl that made me want to crawl into a hole and never, ever come out.

Exit. The tiny, rational part of my brain urged.

I noticed that another door was right next to me, thankfully, and moved towards it. Behind me, I could hear clothes being ripped, but I did not turn. I heard painful cries and the unmistakable snapping of bones, but if I halted for even a second, I might as well sign my death certificate.

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