14. Headed to my new home.

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Samaah's P.O.V

I was married. I had always dreamt of getting married but in my mind, I always had this hope that I'll actually do it out of my own free will. I always hoped that I would get married to the man of my dreams. But the reality was far from that. When I used to see Arif back in school, never in my wildest dreams did I expect that I would ever get married to him. I barely used to notice him. And now he's my husband. That was so weird. I didn't have any feelings for him. When he said that he accepts me in his Nikkah, I didn't even feel any butterflies in my stomach or anything. I was married to him for dad's sake and only dad's sake. I didn't know what to expect from my future with him. His family expected Samiha and I to change those twins. How on earth were we going to do it? I pushed away those thoughts. I'll deal with that when time comes. I looked at Samiha and saw that she had a large smile on her face. Maybe others couldn't see, but I knew it was fake. I decided to copy her and put a smile on my own face too, as everyone came to congratulate us.

"You're finally my daughters-in-law! I'm so happy today!" Mrs. Hamid said and hugged us both and gave us each a kiss on our foreheads. Aliyah and Asiyah followed.

"I'm so happy! My brothers are finally going to have something meaningful in their lives! Unfortunately I'm leaving after tomorrow, I won't be there for the walimah, but hey, we can hang out tomorrow?" Aliyah gushed, hugging us.

"Congratulations, sisters-in-law! I'm very happy! I hope my brothers can keep you happy," Asiyah said, shyly. She looked so much like the twins. I hugged her and she hugged me back, tightly.

Many people congratulated us. When my cousin sisters came, they thought it would be funny to tease Samiha with Asif and me with Arif. Little did they know the reality of the matter. Then it was time for mum to come.

"I'm sorry girls. For putting you through this. But In sha Allah, you will be happy. May Allah grant you both all the happiness with those boys," she whispered, only so that we could hear. Her eyes were filled with tears and she hugged us both tightly. We didn't want to let her go and clung to her for quite long.

"Okay, girls. You now need to go upstairs. Samiha, go to Saamih's room and Samaah, go to your room. The men are on their way," my mother-in-law said, and we obeyed.

Once upstairs, I sat on my bed, drinking in my surroundings for the last time. I was going to miss this room. I didn't want to leave it. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I wiped them off roughly. Mum had pulled down the veil to cover my face. I lifted it to check my face in the mirror. When I was satisfied, I pulled it back down. I kept waiting, and then I heard footsteps. He was probably here. But the footsteps didn't stop and continued past my door. That was probably Asif going to Saamih's room for Samiha. Another set of footsteps followed and I knew that was him. The footsteps stopped outside my door. I saw the handle being twisted but he didn't push the door open. He was probably hesitating. I knew he was as unhappy about this marriage as I was. After what felt like forever, Arif then pushed the door open. I didn't dare to look up, and continued staring at my lap.

I felt the bed dip beside me. Arif sat next to me and he held my shoulders to turn me to face him and I obliged. He then lifted my veil and my eyes met his. I wanted to lower my gaze then remembered he was my husband and I didn't need to. He looked at my face for a while, nodded, got up and walked out. He didn't utter a word to me, and I was glad, because I didn't want to speak to him. We were probably going to lead a life where we barely said anything to each other and that was fine by me.


Samiha's P.O.V

I sat on Saamih's bed and waited for Asif. He didn't take too long to arrive. As soon as I heard his footsteps, I knew this was it. It was all a reality. I didn't like him but he was my husband. He opened the door and got inside. I groaned inwardly. I didn't want to see him. But then, I was sure he felt the same way.

He stepped in front of me and bent down to lift up my veil. When he did, I didn't look up at him. I continued staring at his shoes. He was still bent, and scrutinised me for a while, before straightening up and exiting Saamih's room. As soon as he left, I heaved a sigh of relief. I was relieved that we didn't speak at all. I had never spoken to him directly and I never even wanted to, although now that he was my husband, we would have no choice but to talk. I just hoped our conversations would be minimal.

About an hour later, Samaah and I were sitting in the living room with the rest of our family. My sisters-in-law and mother-in-law had already left. Asif and Arif, however, were with us, making everything a little more uncomfortable. Everyone in my family seemed so sad. Mum occasionally would let out a sob. Dad looked like he was holding back tears. As for Saamih, I couldn't believe he was the same person who sat with me while I was having breakfast this morning. I hadn't seen Saamih brooding about so much before. He didn't look like himself at all and it broke my heart to see my brother so quiet and visibly upset.

When time finally came for the twins to take us to their 'palace', everyone came to hug Samaah and I, one by one. My male cousins were in the balcony with Zahra and Layla's husbands, since those men were our non-mahrams. The tears that were threatening to spill since I waited in Saamih's room for Asif all came out. Samaah and I both started crying when Saamih hugged us. Not mum, not dad, but Saamih. Although I knew this marriage was the least we could do to help our parents, we both felt a little upset at them. It was as if all of those words said by our uncles and aunts during the engagement were ringing in my ears. I didn't want to let go of Saamih when he hugged me. I clung on to him as if my life depended on it. Someone cleared their throat beside us. I lifted my head of Saamih's chest to see Asif.

"We should get going," he said, trying not to sound gruff but failing miserably, although it seemed to have gone unnoticed by everyone except the three of us siblings. Saamih furrowed his eyebrows at Asif, holding back a scowl. Asif then held out his hand to me. I knew it was all a front, to show people that things were fine, but I knew it took all the courage he could muster to hold his hand out. I took it, unwillingly, and he led me out of the house to his Bentley. Samaah followed behind us with Arif, and they sat in Arif's Bugatti.

The reality that I was a married woman hit me once more. I was headed to my new home.


There we go. Some Ariaah and Asmiha scenes.

Man, just imagine! The cars these boys drive! Whoa! It just shows how rich these people actually are!

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