43. Everything seemed so surreal.

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So there's a surprise I had planned for you for this chapter. I didn't want to let you know about it before, but anyway, here's the surprise:

Samaah's P.O.V

(For those who didn't get it, this chapter is finally going to be in Samaah's P.O.V!!)

My eyes opened to a dim room. As usual, the first thing I do when I wake up is look out of the window, and if the window is covered by curtains, I walk to it, open the curtains and look out of it. So looking out of the window is exactly what I did, only to see that the sky was dark, so it was probably night.

Then I took in my surroundings. Wait, this wasn't the room I shared with Samiha! This looked like a...like a...hospital room! Why in the world was I in a hospital room?! And my head hurt, like really badly. I looked down at myself, surprised to see that I was dressed in a hospital gown. My eyes fell to the painful cuts on my arms and I winced. What in the world happened to me?! Then to my horror, when I looked to my left, there was a strange guy sitting on a chair with his head leaned back, asleep. I started panicking! There was a guy in the room! I was alone with him! And I wasn't even wearing a hijab! Why was he even here? My hands immediately flew up to my hair, only to realise that I had a thick bandage on my head. At least my hair's covered in front of this guy! I was kind of relieved at that.

My panic mode was literally switched on. I had no idea what in the world happened to me, why the heck I was in a hospital room with a strange guy who looked oddly familiar, and where on earth my family was. My head then turned again to the guy. Did I forget to mention that he was drop-dead gorgeous? Because he was! And the thing is, he looked so familiar, like I had seen him somewhere before. Lower your gaze! I scolded myself, mentally. I immediately looked away, but tried to recall where I had seen him, when it suddenly clicked.

Of course! This guy was one of the famous sons of Zakir Hamid, belonging to the town's 'royal' family. He was in Samiha's class, in the same school where the two of us did our A levels. He was a year ahead of me, and he had an an identical twin brother. They completed their A levels last year and I was in my final year. The thing is, I knew their names: Asif and Arif Hamid, but I really couldn't tell which one of the two this guy was.

And the funny thing was, why in the world was this Hamid twin even here with me? Or did I end up in hospital because of him?! I gasped. Maybe that's what happened! I was probably walking home from school, and this guy probably banged into me with one of his posh and expensive cars! But that still doesn't explain why I can't see my parents here and why I'm all alone with a non-mahrem!

Not having the patience to continue trying to figure out these things, especially with my aching head which only made things worse, I decided to wake this guy up and demand answers.

"Hey!" I called out. No response.

"Hey! Arif or Asif!" I called again, but still no response. Ya Allah, how will I wake him up? His chair was so close to my bed, in fact, he was dangerously close. But I would never ever touch a non-mahrem. Then I looked around me for something to use to wake him up with. My eyes landed on a cell phone, which I assumed was his. I've never seen this phone before! When did it get released?! It looks like an advanced version of Galaxy Note I! I thought. Nevertheless, I picked up his phone, and leaned over to poke the guy's thigh with the edge of the phone. He woke up with a start.

His eyes opened, and focused on me. I saw him do a double take, before rubbing his eyes and looking at me again. He looked elsewhere, blinking several times and looked at me again. Why is he behaving like he's seen a ghost?! His mouth hung open, for a while, and then broke into the largest smile I'd ever seen on anyone.

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