35. How did this happen?!

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Once again, this chapter is not going to be in either of the sisters' P.O.V.


I was in my office when my phone rang in my pocket. I was so busy since morning that I didn't even get a chance to check my phone. It had pinged with some whatsapp messages but I didn't bother to pull out my phone and check them. Then when the phone rang, I pulled it out and checked the caller I.D. It was Samaah calling. Usually I'm the one who called her and Samiha to ask about them, so naturally, seeing her name appear on the screen got me wondering what was up.

As soon as I picked up her call, her voice came from the other end of the line, before I could even say 'Hello'.

""Saamih! Get to the Hamid residence, right away!" Samaah said. She didn't wait for me to reply. She just cut the call. The urgency in her voice gave away everything. I knew there was trouble right away or she wouldn't have cut the call before even giving me a chance to reply.

I left my office and went to the reception, where the receptionist who was in her late 50's sat.

"Mrs. Bilkis, I need to leave. An emergency has come up, please get someone to cover for me!" I said, breathlessly.

"What happened, Saamih?" She asked, looking worried.

"I don't know! My sister just called me and told me to rush to her place! I've no idea what happened!" I said.

"Don't worry, you just go and see to whatever has happened. I'll get someone to cover for you," she told me. Giving her a grateful look, I rushed out of the building and got in my car. Whilst taking my car keys out of my pocket, I couldn't feel my phone.

"Argh! I left my phone behind! Now what?!" I said to myself, exasperated. Knowing that it was just in my office, I decided to leave it and just rush to the Hamid residence right away.

Avoiding all the routes with traffic, I got to their palace in about half an hour. I gave my car keys to their valet who would park my car and I immediately rushed to the house. As soon as I rang the doorbell, one of the workers opened the door.

"Assalamualeikum. Uh, where are Mrs. Samiha and Mrs. Samaah?" I asked right away.

"Sir, they are not at home. They left with Mr. Hamid this morning, but they've not arrived," the worker replied.

What?! Something wasn't right! Why would they tell me to immediately rush to the Hamid residence if they weren't even there in the first place! Something definitely was fishy! Instinctively, I reached for my phone in my pocket to call them, but when I couldn't feel it, I remembered once again that I had left it behind.

"Dang it! Uh, where are the twins?" I asked. Ya Allah, please let them be at home! I silently prayed.

"They're at home. I'll just have to phone them to tell them to get here because I don't know which room they would be in and you seem in a rush," the worker replied. He took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Master Asif? A guest has come here. He was asking for your wife but she is not here so he would like to meet you," he said into the phone. After a pause, he then said, "And master Asif, please inform your brother of the same and tell him to come here. I'll take the guest to the nearest lounge, lounge 5."

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