30. That's amazing news!

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Samiha's P.O.V

A week or so later, I was sitting in my room with Samaah when my mother-in-law came inside.

"Assalamualeikum girls. I just got back from the company right now and I thought I should meet you two and have a few words with you before I go pray Isha and sleep," she said.

"Wa'alaykumsalaam mum," Samaah and I both answered simultaneously. "Come sit, mum," I said, gesturing to the empty spot on the bed.

She came and sat next to us. "I met your father today at work while I was with Zakir. Actually, your father normally works at the other branch, but Zakir decided that Habib should be transferred to our headquarters, so that's what I wanted to talk to you about," she said.

"Oh that's great!" I exclaimed and Samaah nodded.

"Zakir and I had discussed that your family has done so much for us. You two have actually brought a huge change in my twins, and you also completely took Asiyah's problem into your own hands. Your brother and your parents have kept Asiyah like a queen. She was a princess here, but there, they treat her like a queen. She told me that herself. So we thought that the least we can do for your family is that we should give your dad a big promotion. Since my husband is the owner and C.E.O of the company, we feel that the position of the managing director should come to none other than your father. All this time, it was an outsider, but recently, that man has started acting strange. As in, he keeps asking Zakir for leaves, for advance payments, pay rises, and he generally has a lot of demands, so Zakir just demoted him because he isn't proving to be worthy of the M.D position. Your dad on the other hand was doing an excellent job back in the other branch. So now, he is officially moving to the headquarters as the M.D of our company!" My mother-in-law explained.

Samaah and I both hugged each other and we each hugged her also. We were so happy and Alhamdulillah, our marriage sacrifice for dad was paying off.

"That's amazing news, mum!" I said, overjoyed.

"Honestly, that's so good! Jazakallahu Khayran!" Samaah exclaimed.

"That's nothing compared to what the two of you and your family has done for our children! Anyway, so I also wanted to tell you that your father is requesting that you come over to the company tomorrow because he hasn't seen the two of you since Saamih's wedding. He complained that you always refuse to go home. I keep telling you that you should go visit your parents, but for some reason I fail to comprehend, you don't want to go! So yeah, get ready by nine o'clock tomorrow. You'll come to work with me. Your dad is really missing the two of you and wants to see you!" She said. We both agreed excitedly. We had never gone to my in-laws' company and we were both really looking forward to it.

Then, both mum and Samaah left the room to go pray and sleep. Asif hadn't come to the room yet. I knew that he was in the huge house, somewhere, probably in one of the lounges or something. He was hanging out with Arif.

I prayed Isha and the Witr salaahs and sat down to make dua.

Ya Allah, please make things go well between my husband and I. Alhamdulillah they are improving for sure. He's growing on me, and we're getting close, but please let this relationship continue to improve, Ameen.

I hardly got to spend time with Asif, but every morning after waking him up, we would have some small talk. He could even compliment my cooking and my art openly now. He was no longer the lazy, rude guy that I first got married to. He was nice and calm. But still, quite reserved. I had heard from Samaah that Arif was opening up to her, but I knew that she wouldn't tell me what he told her. Of course she wouldn't. As for Asif, yes, he had opened up to me a little, but not as much as I would have wanted him to.

My relationship was improving with him, Alhamdulillah, without a doubt. And the strange thing that I couldn't comprehend was the fact that I felt so strange around him. When he would say my name, my stomach would do a little flip. When he would look at me with his intense gaze, a thousand butterflies would be released in my stomach. When he would talk to me, my heart would swell with happiness, and when his hand would brush mine by accident, I would feel strange sensations. I had talked to Samaah about these feelings and she told me she felt the same way but being the kind of person she is, she denied everything initially then eventually came to accept the fact that she liked Arif. She said I was beginning to like Asif and that is why this was happening to me.

What I find weird is that I used to detest Asif. Seeing him or any mention of him would make my blood boil. I hated his habits. But now, he had changed. Sure he wasn't perfect, sure he had a lot of flaws, but then again, I didn't expect him to ever improve in the first place, and yet he did. Besides, no one was perfect. There was still room for a lot of improvement in Asif, yet I had learnt to ignore his shortcomings. I had accepted him. Samaah told me it was the same with her. Just that with my initial strong dislike for Asif, I started liking him recently, whereas for Samaah liking Arif, it's been some time.

I've always been naïve when it came to romance and feelings and emotions. I was always just this short-tempered girl yet people liked me because they said I was understanding and sweet. But when it came to me understanding my own emotions, I could never comprehend them, which was why I couldn't even control my anger. So when I started feeling weird around Asif, I never understood what was happening. I knew Asif was the cause of it, but I didn't understand why. Then after talking to Samaah is when I came to realise that I, Samiha bint Habib, have started to like Asif. The guy I used to detest with a passion. And he has no idea about it, neither does he like me back.

This is why I pray to Allah every day to make things go well between us. I really want him to like me back. I just hope he does, some day. I don't love him yet, but I think I might be getting there. Just not now already, however slowly but surely, I'm falling for Asif Hamid. I've learnt to overlook his flaws already, and I knew he was going to improve In sha Allah. So all I wanted was him to also, slowly but surely, fall for me. And that was my prayer.

I got up after making my dua and folded the prayer mat before keeping it away. There were prayer rooms in this house, but we always prayed Fajr and Isha in our bedrooms. The rest of the prayers were prayed in the prayer rooms. After applying some face cream to my face and getting into my pajamas, I slid under the comfortable covers in bed. I thanked Allah for dad's promotion. The thought of seeing him tomorrow made me so happy, and I couldn't wait to go to the company headquarters. That was the last thing I thought about before falling into a deep sleep.


So here comes the tough Samiha's confession. Frankly, if I wasn't the writer of this story, I would have never expected for her to even like Asif, leave alone admit it! No Asmiha moments though in this chapter. I said it in the previous chapter to cherish them when they are there because they are rare!

I'm so glad I'm done with 30 chapters. I've no idea though, how many more to go.

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