16. I leave it to you to change him.

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Samiha's P.O.V

I woke up and checked my phone for the time. It was quarter to eight. I was used to waking up early for work, but now I had resigned. Asif was fast asleep. I quickly got up and went to the shower to get ready. As the warm water hit my body, I started recalling last night's events.

The car ride from home to here was awkward to say the least. We didn't talk to each other at all. When we finally got here, Asif wordlessly opened the trunk of his car, revealing my suitcase and walked away, leaving me behind. I quickly pulled it out and followed him, carrying it. I knew Samaah and Arif had just arrived but I couldn't wait for her as I needed to catch up with Asif. When we got to the house, he took the staircase with me behind him. He then led me to his room, which was bedroom 2.

When he opened the door, I did a double take. This room was way bigger than the size of mine, Saamih's and mum's room combined. It was beautiful, with its cream and light brown colour scheme. The floor was covered in a brown velvet carpet. There was a huge king-sized bed. There was an ensuite bathroom, a small snack-bar, a cream and brown velvety sofa set, a nice cabinet containing what looked like souvenirs and a lot of other interesting things. What caught my attention was the fact that Asif's room did not contain one, nor two, but three walk-in wardrobes. He had the regular closets, but along with that, he had three walk-in wardrobes! I resisted the urge to open them and see just how many clothes he owned. Arif had said that Asif was obsessed with brands but whoa! He probably had enough clothes to clothe the whole population of the town!

When I looked around for Asif, he was nowhere in sight. Then suddenly, the bathroom door opened, and he walked out, dressed in what looked like designer pajamas. I held back an eye-roll and opened my suitcase to take out my own pajamas. Mum had bought Samiha and I some new pretty pajamas. I was glad they were decent. I changed in his bathroom and came out, only to see him fast asleep. I turned off the light and climbed on the soft, comfortable bed, falling into a deep sleep.

When I woke up for Fajr, I was surprised to see Asif already awake and praying. I performed ablution and prayed as well. By the time I finished, he was already back in bed. I joined him and fell asleep.

Clearly, it was an uneventful night. We didn't speak to each other at all. I dressed up after my shower and went downstairs hoping that I don't get lost in the massive house. Luckily, I didn't. One of the maids guided me to the dining hall where we were supposed to eat breakfast. When I entered, my in-laws were about to leave, but when they saw me, they sat back down.

"Assalamualeikum Mr and Mrs. Hamid," I greeted them.

"Wa'alaykumsalaam dear. How are you?," they replied.

"Alhamdulillah." I answered.

"Please don't call us Mr and Mrs Hamid please. Call us mum and dad. We told your sister that too," Mrs. Hamid said.

"Oh, Samaah has gone to uni? Who dropped her?" I asked.

"She drove herself there. We gave her a car. And we are even going to give you one," Mr. Hamid.

"Oh my! Jazakallah, mum, dad! I really appreciate!" I said, unable to hold my excitement.

They both smiled warmly.

"Um, what should I cook for lunch? I thought since Samaah goes to uni, I should take over the responsibility of cooking lunch, and dinners sometimes, since Samaah may get tired when she gets back. She can cook dinner occasionally though. So what would you like to eat?" I ranted.

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