The real enemy: Lies

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"No status." Zane said holding up his Walkie.

"We need to get to higher grounds." Responded Tom looking around at all the mountains surrounding them.

"Do you think we ran into BEL?"

"Maybe. But at least we lost the men who were chasing us. We need to find our way back to the team or the chopper."

Suddenly, they heard a loud noise above them. It then faded away.
"I don't think we are getting to the chopper anytime soon." Zane said.

"Yes, I know." Tom added. "That must've been it. Did you see it?"

"No. Let's find some shelter. Something tells me it's going to be a long night. And if we are BEL, we better stay quiet and guns raised." The two men started walking with their guns at their sides to find shelter.

Back at the base
"Attention!" The chief shouted. We were out of our beds and already drenched in sweat from our training: 153 push-ups, 100 crunches, crawling in the mud, climbing until we practically fell to the ground in exhaustion, and shooting our guns at targets that we mostly hit in the center. I still hadn't told anyone about what I had heard the night before, not even Henry and Cam. The chief had called us into formation and we stood there, hands behind our back, feet apart.

"We have decided to send your group back into battle on May 4. Your group has been the only group so far with almost all of your men returning with no scratches. Training will continue until the day before where you will have one day of preparation and rest." The chief concluded.

"Yes, sir." We all replied in unison. May 4 was 3 days from now. I walked over to the chief.

"Sir." I said to him. He turned around to face me.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Sir, I overheard the commander and your conversation last night. When your team goes to battle on May 4, are we going to the same place as we did yesterday as a rescue mission?"

"No. It has been hard to determine whether or not we can get back Zane and Tom alive. We haven't been able to connect with them on their Walkie's. We don't know where they are, or if they are even alive. We thought about flying, but the terrorists could be waiting to shoot us down. We just have to wait."

"And what did the commander think?"

"He disagrees. He is willing to risk the chance of flying."

"Why not?"

"Because I am not about to put 52 men out there and have them killed!" The chief shouted.

"Tomorrow's mission is at an island, and that was taken over by the terrorists. We are hoping to take it into our possession and find better connection with Zane and Tom." He added.

"My apologies, sir. But with all do respect, I don't understand. Why would you want to risk 52 men's lives to get possession of an island, but not for Zane and Tom?"

"Get to running like everyone else. But do fifty more laps than everyone else. Dismissed."

"Yes, sir." I began to run. It just didn't make sense. I think someone is making the chief do this. He has never been so stressed out like this before. Or maybe he just hates me. 3 days from now, I have to figure out a way to get onto the land where Zane and Tom is, but I can't do it by myself. Both Henry and Cam were the same positions as I was, gun men. So I guess flying on our own is out of the question.

Once everyone was done running their fifty laps, I was forced to run fifty more laps. As I was running, I looked at the chief and he wasn't here. The commander and everyone else was there, though, just waiting for the chief to return for what to do next. Suddenly, I stopped running my laps and began to walk towards everyone.

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