Fight for Rights

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Zane's POV
It was as black as coal outside. The night brought air cold enough that we could see our breath every time we exhaled. Our guns were at our sides and we had been walking for what felt like an eternity. But it seemed that even though we were ambushed and left behind, luck was on our side since there had been no sight of the terrorists. After what felt like an eternity of searching while keeping on guard, we found shelter. It definitely wasn't a paradise. It was a hunting post high up in the trees that looked like it was about to fall apart. An old creaky ladder led up to it.

"Maybe we should keep going. It could be a spot for terrorists." I suggested.

"Nah, too risky." Tom replied.

"And it's less risky to travel in the day?"

"We need rest anyway, and we haven't seen terrorists since the fight. I think we are safe for now." Tom picked up a rock the size of his palm and threw it like he was throwing a baseball at the rotten infested hunting post. To my surprise, it hadn't moved and remained the same.

"I guess it's sturdy enough." I added. We rested our guns at our sides and began climbing the moldy ladder, trying to keep quiet even though every time we took a step the ladder creaked. It was a little hard to see the steps in front of us because it was very late in the night and we didn't want to use light to attract unwanted visitors. Once we got to the top, we set our guns down besides us and decided to rest.

"Should one of us be on night watch and switch?" Asked Tom.

"Okay. I'll be on watch first. I'll wake you up after around 3 hours and we will switch."

Tom scooted back against the wall of the misty hinting post and began to close his eyes. I sat opposite of him and began to listen to every sound I heard, hoping there would be no unusual noises.

Austin's POV
Everyone was up like a normal day and getting ready to preform their practice tests such as jumping out of planes into water and onto motor boats while staying hidden, what to do in case you're being shot at, quick decisions, and things as simple as shooting targets and strength and conditioning. But as for me, I had something else to do. I put on my best looking uniform along with my hat I was given when I joined the army and reported to the chief. His office was being repaired so meanwhile he was set up in the special weapons room where all of the extra ammo, weapons, artillery, planes, etc was held.

"Sir, I'm ready for an escort." I declared.

"The car is outside. One of our higher ranking officers will escort you there and back to each of the soldiers' homes. Understood?" He instructed.

"Yes, sir."


I walked out of the door and eventually made my way into the car with the higher ranking officer driving. The two of us began to drive to Zane's home first.

"Austin," the driver escorting me began. "The meeting I had today with the chief didn't sound good. He is tripling security and getting an extra supply of artillery. At first I thought that was a good thing until everyone decided not to go back for 'Zane and Tom's bodies'. I agree that they aren't dead, but you have to go through with your plan. It's the only way to find out." His name was Kevin and he was the top of our training he was in with me. That's pretty much how he got Lieutenant Commander for the Navy. But because of the attack, he came to this base, along with multiple of other high ranking officers, to figure out if we should attack or not.

"How did you know about the plan when you're in the Navy?" I asked him.

"Almost everyone in my team found out. They said that one of your section told them. But they're rooting for you. For Section A. They want all of you guys to win because the whole point of being in the Army is fighting for what is right. You are. Your whole section is."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I know your plan is taking action tomorrow. And don't get me wrong but you and I both know it won't be easy."

"But I still have to deliver the message."

"Yes, because I'll get fired if I don't take you. So please just don't mess today up. Tell them exactly what you're supposed to. Tell them they are dead whether you like it or not because when tomorrow is over, it won't matter anymore because you are going to bring back Zane and Tom. Ok?"

He was right. I didn't want to tell Zane and Tom's parents a lie, not at all. I thought about doing it and it seemed nearly impossible. But I had to for Section A, for Kevin's team rooting for me.

"Ok. I'll do it."

We sat in silence most of the way until we got to Zane's house, the part I was dreading.

"Good luck." Kevin said as I opened the passenger door to get out.

I shut the car door and walked on the gravel pathway until I stood at Zane's parent's doorway. I pressed my finger on the doorbell and took off my hat. Soon enough, a woman came to the doorway smiling until she saw me. Her smile disappeared.

"Are you Zane Solkerman's mom?" I asked her.

"Yes I am. My husband is home, too. Come in." She invited me in and her husband walked in the room. The three of us sat on the couch.

"Is something wrong?" They asked me, faces full of worry.

"Our team was recently put on a mission to take over a land in the east. We had succeeded except one of our men as shot. He is being treated as we speak."

"So how does this have anything to do with Zane?"

"Well," I thought about what to say. I could not tell them that we left them or else they would get mad at the chief. "Tom, one of the soldiers that went on the mission, and Zane were killed. I'm very sorry." The two of them didn't speak. Their eyes filled with tears, and nor did I speak. I didn't know what to say.

"We will have a ceremony. It's being planned. I will tell you as soon as I know more. I'm sorry." Soon, I got up, still holding my hat.

"I must get going. I'm sorry for Zane's death." I said.

"Thank you." Zane's mom whispered. I walked out of their home, the door closing behind me. I climbed into the car and Kevin began driving to Tom's house.

"How did it go?" He asked me.

"I don't want to talk about it right now. Let's just get this over with." I replied.

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