How to know when you're fired

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Everyone's hearts were pounding like they were trying to escape our chests as we sat in silence on the plane. The pilot changed the radar to make it look like we were headed the assigned location when we weren't. So, it looked correct from the chief's POV when it really wasn't. But it was risky because the modified radar was on a time limit and turbulence would cause the radar to instantly change to its real location of where we were. Everyone had their headsets on so we could communicate with each other over the loud engine noise.

"We should be there in about ten minutes exactly." The pilot said.

"Good. I want everyone to be ready. This could be bad if you do not stay strong. Taking over this island will be hard. Remember to always have a shield such as rocks, trees, etcetera for protection. Stay hidden." The chief said over the headsets.

"Understood." The commander replied. The last few minutes were heart pounding as we were hoping for no turbulence. But I guess luck was not on our side.

"Some turbulence up ahead." The pilot said. He knew what that meant. We hit the turbulence. It was very small but just enough to change the radar.

"Woah, is this correct? The radar has switched and has you going in the wrong direction. It looks like you're headed towards the place where Zane and Tom were killed. Is this true?" The chief asked.
No one responded.

"All of you understand that if this is true you will all lose your job in the army. And I don't think you want that."

"We understand." That was the only thing the commander could think of saying. And it was the truth. All of us were willing to lose our job, our lives for Zane and Tom. And even if they are dead, we wanted revenge on the terrorists anyway.

"Did you hear me? You will lose your jobs! Nobod-" the chief was shouting but he was cut off by the pilot who turned off the communication between him and us. We didn't need to hear it. It would only make us more nervous and unsure.

"One more thing, I forgot to tell you, kind of. The navy is rooting for us." The looked at me with confusion.

"Kevin told his team about what we were doing. They are rooting for us." That seemed to cheer everyone up because as soon as we were in view of the terrorist-infected place, everyone began cheering and rooting encouraging statements. Cam turned to me.

"What did you go back for in the car?" He asked me. I pulled something out of my pocket and showed it to him.

"This is when we find them. I figured since we won't be that far from the navy's base, at least 100 ticks, together we can shoot this for them to see." I showed him a small object no larger than my eye. But what it did was amazing. Packed tightly inside this small object was many fireworks, but not ordinary ones. These fireworks were meant for seeing long distances and only the American army had them in their hands. By now, almost everyone was looking at the object in my hand astonished.

"How did you get that?" The commander asked me.

"For my punishment I had to clean and I stole this. It will be used for a signal that we won." A few soldiers began smiling and liking the idea I had.

"Alright, get ready to land and find shelter quickly. We don't know where these suckers are. Be careful not to shoot Zane and Tom." The pilot said over our headsets.

Terrorist's POV
We had alerted our whole group about the two Americans we ambushed. Now, guns raised and trying to find tracks of where they went from here, we searched the field from the last fight. My name is Qin Larech and I am the leader of our group of terrorists. My blood thrived as I found out how close I was to killing these American brats. They will now truly see what we are made of, and it won't be a fast death. More brutal, like torture. That's it! When I find those brats I will beat them slowly until they either starve to death or die from their injuries. The trees were dead in the woods and leaves were covering the floor that created a perfect obstacle for noise. They deserved it. Suddenly, I heard a sharp screech sound as one of my men whistled me over.

"What is it?" I asked the man bitterly.

"I found this right here under a few leaves." He pointed to a spot on the ground. He handed me a chain necklace with a piece of metal attached to it. I looked at the metal.

American army
Origin California
Latitude: 42.811522 | Longitude: 64.923706

Qin smiled in happiness and revenge.

"Boys, looks like we are gonna get what we hoped for." He said referring to revenge on the Americans that attacked them. Now he knew exactly where the american's base was.

Commander's POV
"Go, go, go!" I shouted as the very last man exited this plane and onto the field. I ran off the plane and signaled for the pilot to fly away. He did. It was gonna be hard for him, since he will probably get yelled at for disobeying orders. I looked around towards my men who were in the woods with guns raised as they searched everywhere for the terrorists. As far as I could tell, there was no sign of them. I went over to my men and we kept quiet the whole time, keeping our eyes and ears peeled. After an hour or so of no sign of them, my men began asking me what to do.

"I'll tell you what we are going to do. We are going to kill these jerks."

Author's note important
Hey guys. I hoped you like this chapter and I will definitely keep posting more as soon as I can. I really hope you read what I'm about to say. In case you haven't found out, the part where Qin found the metal tag with the location of the American base on it, that is how they kept doing attacks with the car and bomb incident. In the next chapter you will find out how that tag was there. If your reading one of my other books then I am letting you know that since I haven't updated them in a while I will be doing that very soon, also. Keep reading! And vote!

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