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((Above is a better picture of the commander.))

Zane's POV
The guard had whipped me too many times to count on my back. The boss had said that every time I screamed or made a loud noise that they would whip me harder. I tried to hold in my screams, and for some of them I could, but the harder ones I had to grunt louder. They had finally stopped whipping me after almost half an hour. The whips were felt through my uniform.

How the boss could stand there, watching someone get beaten was unbelievable. How could he do that to someone, knowing that they did nothing wrong?

The boss left and ordered for the guards to take me back to the horrible sleeping area. They untied my hands and roughly helped me walk to the room. They pushed me inside, slamming the wooden door behind them.
I collapsed to the hay in pain. I heard Tom move over to me and start asking me questions, but I closed my eyes, just wanting rest.

I fell asleep soon after, welcoming the rest.


I awoke on the hay, but laying on my stomach. Tom looked like he hasn't slept in days. He probably didn't sleep last night. There was no light shining in through the cracks so it must still be dark outside.

"They hurt me too." Tom began. I looked at him. He showed me his hands which were swollen badly. "They beat my hands with a club because I attacked a guard."

"Good job." I said weakly. I slowly sat upright, grimacing a little at the pain.
"I thought they had killed you when you were pushed in here. I was angry at them that I almost decided to try and escape. But I stayed here with you." He said. I knew he wanted to know what I had done wrong.

"I radioed the chief and they caught me, smashed the Walkie, and beat me with a whip." I replied.

"Yeah I figured. Your back had blood streaks where the worst lashes were. Shortly after you fell asleep, they came in here and said that we weren't going to work today. They said they would deliver us the mush, though."

"Hey, when they deliver the mush, what if we take out the guy delivering it, steal his gun, and shoot some rounds off in the air. Maybe the commander's group will hear it and find the camp." I said.

"Yeah, but what if they come in here and hurt us more after doing that?" Tom asked.

"We won't let them in."

A smile spread across both of our faces.

Commander's POV
The chief had radioed in with me countless times. He keeps asking if we have found their camp or any signs of Zane and Tom. I continued to tell him no. Something must have happened but the chief won't tell me.

We were trekking through the woods, going in the direction the hostage had told us to go.

Everyone was silent. Maybe they could feel that something was wrong. Sometimes people are able to tell if something bad happened just by what they feel.

"Okay, the chief had told me there is a plane waiting for us back at the field for when we find Zane and Tom. I want half of this group to go back to the plane and half to stay with me." I said. That left me with six other people, including Austin and Cam. Henry was with the other group who was going back to the plane.

Our smaller group had walked about ten more minutes but came to a cliff. We stopped and peered down it.

"We can't climb down this. I'm guessing a storm had broken it down." I said while looking down at it. Rain must have created loose rocks and mud which made the side of the cliff basically disappear. Now it just went almost vertically down with no slope.

"We have to go down it. There is no other way around." I concluded.

"Three, two, one." I murmured and all six of us jumped.

We all split up in different directions, trying to tumble away from each other. I tumbled and rolled down the hill roughly, the sticks and pebbles hurting me. Just before the bottom of the hill, I barely noticed a large rock sticking out of the ground while I was continued to tumble uncontrollably done the very steep cliff side.

I tried hard to go to my feet before the rock came but there was too much momentum to stand without falling forward again.

Coming up to the rock fast, I tried to tumble over the rock but the back of my head hit the top of it.

After what seemed forever, the momentum finally died out and I was able to stop rolling and falling. I stopped at the bottom of the hill, laying in leaves, blinking slowly.

I noticed a few of the soldiers at their feet next to me, covered in muddy leaves. Cam jogged over to me and kneeled besides me, noticing my hair matted down with blood.

"Are you okay? Can you stand?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said slowly. After a minute or so, I stood back up.

I was determined to keep going, so we continued through the woods.
Suddenly, men in sloppy uniforms took a formation and half surrounded us, beginning to shoot.

We took cover behind rocks and trees, dodging all of the bullets. So far, none of the six people of my team got hurt. We continued to shoot at the terrorists, who seemed to be miserably failing.

Soon enough, the enemies bullets stopped and we had shot every terrorist dead. I looked around, assuming their camp was close.

Then I spotted it, a clearing behind some trees to my right. I looked closer and knew what it was. It had to be the camp.

Suddenly, a loud noise rang throughout my bones. It was just one noise, followed by no other. The noise was bullets being fired off. And it was coming from the camp.

Hey guys! Just in case you didn't catch it yet, the bullet noises were from Zane and Tom. It was their plan. Hope you enjoyed and please, leave a like you fabulous readers!

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