The worry fight

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Parent's POV
Zane and Tom's moms both came over every day watching the news. But since the last news broadcast about their sons, nothing new ever came on about them.

"What should we do? The army isn't telling us anything!" Zane's mom said.

Suddenly, their focus changed to the television screen when Breaking News came on. They both tuned in to listen.

A few days ago, two American soldiers had been lost in battle. Later on the general had sent out a team to go and get them back. However, nothing new has been reported about the situation-whether the two soldiers were alive or dead-until today.

Very early in the morning, we received confirmation that the two soldiers were alive. Their condition has not been received yet. The American army is currently fighting off enemies in Uzbekistan to get the two soldiers back safely.

Yes, they were last seen alive but we don't know whether or not the Americans succeeded in their battle. However, people in bars, restaurants, and anywhere else with local televisions have been camping out and watching the news. People reported that they were not going to stop camping out until their soldiers are back safely. They had said that this wasn't just a rescue mission, but a battle against terrorism that Americans will win. Citizens told they were praying for the families of the ambushed soldiers.

Thats it for now, but we will keep you updated twenty-four/seven. Fox News.

"Oh my gosh, they are alive!" Tom's mom said. "For now. Hang in there, boys." She added.

Austin's POV
The commander and I ran as fast as we could to the plane. It was already off the ground and I didn't know if we could reach it in time. Guns built into the side of the jet was continually being used by troops against the terrorists. The terrorists were still shooting at the plane and the built in plane guns were supposed to be used for aircraft against aircraft; in other words, it had bad aim for enemy ground troops.

The plane lifted higher and higher off the ground. By the time the commander and I got to the plane, we couldn't reach the door.

"They need to shoot off those terrorists or else they will leave without us." The commander said.
We both began to pull out our guns and the plane continued to circle above us, trying to avoid gunfire.
I looked at all of the terrorists surrounding us and I knew there was no way out of it.

Suddenly, I heard something above us, going fast.

"Kevin?" I said as I looked up into the sky.

Pilot's POV
Enemy fighters were shooting at the plane, barely causing any damage. However, I couldn't let the plane sit here and take more bullets because if it hit the right spot, the gas would leak. So I had no choice but to begin to fly away.

I know that the commander and Austin weren't at the plane yet, so I just flew the plane into the sky and continued to circle around the battlefield until it was safe to land.

Suddenly, I heard a noise above the plane. It sounded like jets. I looked out the windshield only to see jets fly above us and begin to shoot at the enemies. I scanned by eyes on the side of one of the planes and was relieved to find that it had an American symbol on it.

However, a beeping sound came from my radar. I looked down at it to see unidentified planes coming our way in a formation.

I did not say anything to the men in the back of the plane because I knew it would only make things worse.

I began to decline towards the battlefield and hoped to land in just enough time to pick up the commander and Austin.

Zane's POV
I was relieved for the first time in days, relieved that I was surrounded by my teammates again. However, I knew the battle wasn't over yet because if it was, we would have been back at the base already.

"What are your injuries?" A soldier named Justin asked.

"Um, my back is full of whip marks, a cut on my side, and I'm just hungry." I replied.

"Whip makes? Why?" He asked. Almost everyone was listening.

"I was caught talking to the chief on the Walkie."

"What about you, Tom?"

"Well I think you can already see. My hands are...broken." He held out his hands.

"Wow, I'm glad that you guys are back." Justin said.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. It wasn't from my injuries. I touched the hurting spot and winced. I knew it was probably from the mush they served me. The water they put in it could have been dirty and contaminated.

"You okay, Zane?" Justin asked me.

I quickly leaned over the side of the plane and threw up whatever I had left in my stomach. I then sat back down where I was sitting before. The pain in my stomach was still there and getting worse.

"This doesn't look like the flu. It wouldn't have come so quickly. Are you in pain at all?"

I pointed to my stomach. I was beginning to feel a fever come on.

"Sam, we gotta get to the base now." Justin said to the pilot.

"Working on it." The pilot, Sam, said back.

"Well work harder!"

Chief's POV
We listened to the pilot and knew that they were in no condition to celebrate when they arrived.

I called a local hospital and told them to have at the most two rooms ready along with the ER room. Luckily, the hospital wasn't full.

I had heard that the navy jets had arrived and were succeeding so far. I knew this was going to be my last mission commanding in and I wasn't going to let it fail.

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