3. Stat

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I spare people details when they ask me questions. Like I said, I don't like interrogations. I got sick of it after the police and therapists basically antagonized me with them. So when Stacey and Natalie ask - more like bombard - me about my encounter with Jason the next day at lunch, I'm brief with my answer.

"He basically humiliated me," I explain, breaking a pretzel stick in two. I went over the situation several times last night in my head, trying to make sense of it myself. I don't know why I can't stop thinking about it - about him. Jason. "It's because I took his seat in Anatomy."

"You what?" Natalie gasps incredulously. Yesterday I might have shared her reaction, but today I'm over it and think it's actually kind of stupid. Just the seat thing, not Jason.

Stacey shakes her head. "What is it with you and taking people's seats?"

"I only sat there because Mr. Anderson told me to. I didn't think anything of it. You guys are making a big deal out of this. Jason was making a joke, letting me know he owns this place, and it worked. I'm over it. I told you guys that I'm staying away."

Doesn't mean I'm not thinking about him, though, I add silently.

"That's not what everyone thinks." Stacey sips her water and looks at me importantly, as if I'm supposed to let the opinion of the people faze me. I only care about the opinion of people who matter to me, and so far no one here is on that list.

"I just started here yesterday," I point out tiredly. "What could they possibly be thinking?"

Natalie leans forward. "That's the thing, Tessa - you're new. That's why everyone's thinking. They're just curious. And after what happened yesterday, people think that you're either really ballsy or really stupid."

I blink at her. This is ridiculous! Why is everyone at North Shore High so preoccupied with gossip and popularity status? I know we're near Laguna Beach, but MTV stopped filming here years ago. They need to get a grip. Now that I think about it, people glanced at me with more curiosity than they did yesterday. It's like they were wondering where I would fit in - or rather, who I would fit in with.

I'm guessing that people saw my encounter with Jason and his crew and assumed I approached them, trying to make friends or something. That would explain why they thought I'm either ballsy enough to get involved, or stupid enough to do the same.

"Well, I'm neither, so," I say indignantly.

Stacey senses my annoyance and tries to explain. "Tessa, it's not just you that people are talking about. That skateboard stunt Jason pulled had everyone talking because it was funny. We always make a big deal out of what they do because they're bold. You just happened to be in the same class that Jason was in when he did it, so people talked about you, too. And then when they saw you with his crew, the gossip started. They don't really talk to anyone outside of their group during school. But don't worry, something new is always happening at North Shore. They'll forget all about you in a few days and move on."

She's trying to make me feel better, but I can hear jealousy underlying her tone. I don't mean to flatter myself, but it sounds like Stacey wants everyone to stop obsessing over me. I remember how she talked about Jason yesterday, and how she warned me to stay away. Today she sounds eager to steer the conversation away from me entirely. So that's it. She has a major crush on him and feels like I'm a threat.

My tiny but devious bad side stirs. You know, that small part of you that wants trouble for the thrill of it, for the sinfully good feeling. What if I tell her what he said about me having a nice ass, just to piss her off? I don't appreciate the shade I'm feeling from her, but I won't be mean. Yet.

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