15. Caught Up

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The next few minutes happen like a roller coaster ride: fear at the start, excitement as the danger inches closer, anticipation that doesn't prepare you for the sudden drop no matter how much you try, a wild and quick thrill, and disbelief and adrenaline when it finally ends all too soon.

"They're shutting down the party," I guess frantically, and Jason nods. My heart is beating so fast I feel like it's going to jump out my throat.

"That's why I parked down here away from it. Just in case cops showed up."

Sure enough two O.C.P.D. cars, sirens blaring and lights flashing, are racing down the street towards us. Someone in the area must have tipped them off or complained about the noise and now they're on their way to the warehouse. They're also about to pass us. We're standing on the sidewalk in a small pool of streetlight... but in the dark, we're in plain sight.

"Fuck. They're probably gonna stop us," Jason realizes, saying what I'm thinking aloud.

"Because they're looking for us." I shield my eyes from the beam of headlights fast approaching.

"No, because they can see us," he corrects, glancing around at our open surroundings. There's no place to duck into or hide behind.

"We can't get caught. Not with these." I hold out the bag of uppers, which feels heavy in my hand now. My voice sounds oddly calm and logical, like I'm stating facts and trying to sort through them, despite the very un-calm and ill-logical goosebumps raising on my arms and the back of my neck. I've never been in this situation, obviously.

But I'm still so caught up in this thrill, which is probably why I can't anticipate what happens next.

"We're not." Jason swipes the bag from me and chucks it down the sidewalk like a linebacker. A second later he wraps his arms around my waist, backs me up to the curb, and presses me against the nearest car. Then he leans over me, hooking one hand under my knee and pulling my leg to his hip as he starts kissing me.

No. Making out with me. I'm aware of the cool metal of the car on my back; his fingers pressed against my skin; the passion and heat and soft lips going on with our mouths. Words can't describe how surprised I am at Jason's sudden action - so surprised that I don't even think I kiss him back right.

"Hey! What are you kids doing out here?" an authoritative voice yells.

Jason pulls away from our tryst - which lasts about a minute - and we both squint into the beam of light shining in our faces. Once my eyes adjust I see that one of the police cars has stopped in the middle of the street, a few feet behind us. The policeman is outside it hanging over his door and blinding us with his flashlight.

"What does it look like?" Jason counters, planting his fingertips on either side of my shoulders. He sounds annoyed. "You can probably see better than me. Would you get that thing out of our faces?"

The policeman narrows his eyes and lowers the flashlight. "It looks like you're sneaking around in the night, young man. This isn't the time or place for..." He straightens his holster and clears his throat, uncomfortable for a moment. "Canoodling."

I have to press my very tingly, sort of numb lips together to suppress my giggle. Canoodling? His choice of words is just funny and out of place in the tension of the moment. Canoodling sounds like a combination of canoeing and doodling, doesn't it?

"Oh, I see," Jason replies, arrogant and entitled. He's playing this role very well. "You don't like PDA, officer, is that it?"

The cop scowls at his smugness. His gaze wanders over to the end of the block, in the direction of the warehouse, then back to us.

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