6. 21 Questions & 99 Problems

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In my first week at North Shore, I've gone from the New Girl to the Ballsy Chick to the Druggie to the Spectacle of the Year. And some people still don't even know my name.

Khalil and Miley join Jason, Za, and me in the hallway. Khalil does that "what's good" handshake with Jason and Za. Miley musses up Jason's hair playfully. Za hugs her around the shoulders. Oh my God, they're adorable. They just look like really good friends right now, like they did when I saw them laughing at their lunch table on Tuesday. So they're not normal, but they don't seem all bad. People just like to talk.

And as I walk into the cafeteria with the Bizzle Gang, I know that people are going to be talking for the rest of the year. They glance up, eyebrows raised and mouths hanging open. Good thing I'm wearing a cute top, and I'm having a good hair day. Everyone is staring. I catch Natalie's eye as I pass by her table, and she gives me a small smile. I haven't spoken to her since my tell-off with Stacey - I actually kept to myself these past two days. Seeing me emerge with the coolest kids in school is probably just downright shocking to everyone.

But I don't care about that. I don't care if they think I'm stupid or crazy or bold for hanging out with them. Because in the few days that I've known them, they've treated me better than anyone else.

Jason and his crew are oblivious to the masses, of course. They settle at their table near the back wall into their normal formation: Jason in the middle, Za and Khalil on his right. Miley leaves an empty seat beside her on Jason's left. I sink into the chair, still a bit stunned.

"Khalil, this is Tessa," Jason says, nodding between us.

"What's good, ma?" Khalil nods, giving me a smirk. He, Jason, and Za have that down pat, and it's attractive. Actually, all three of them can get it...

"What's for lunch?" Za asks, leaning back in his chair and propping his feet on the table.

Miley wrinkles her nose and shoves them off. "Not your feet. Why don't you go find out?"

He glares at her before standing and leaving for the lunch line. She and Khalil follow him, looking like they're dressed for a music video in their denim jackets and bandanas - today they're black. Seriously, how do they get away with those?

Jason looks after them then at me. "Don't you wanna get lunch?"

"I bring my own." I reach into my bag and rummage around for my food.


I press my lips together. Cute in a good way, or cute in a bad way? I feel kind of awkward laying out my ham and cheese, pretzel sticks, apple, and Oreos on the table, so I offer him half my sandwich.

He smirks and takes it. "Thanks. Can I have an Oreo?"

I smile and push the package over. I realize that I never saw him eating before - he probably doesn't like school lunch either. Miley, Khalil, and Za return with some surprisingly tasty-looking pizza, but I like the food I'm sharing with Jason just fine.

"You look good with makeup, Jason," Miley says as she sits, grinning at him. "I need to reapply it though. It's fading and you look like you got hit in the face."

"I did get hit in the face." Jason looks at her flatly.

"Yeah, but no one knows that..." Miley replies, glancing at me quickly before looking back at him.

I notice Khalil has his eyebrows raised, and I realize it's because they're talking about gang business and technically, I'm not supposed to know. Khalil and Miley are surprised that Jason has mentioned any of it in front of me.

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