9. Game-Changer

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It's a lazy Sunday the next day, and I finally tackle my homework. I'm also a procrastinator on top of all my other issues. Why not? When you have insomnia you feel like you have endless hours to get things done. But getting no rest at all catches up to me, especially after working late and waking up early for school. I actually dozed off a little bit last night - that happens sometimes. I'll nod off but it's never full sleep and it never lasts too long.

Instead I ended up anticipating this situation with the Wreckers - It might get nasty, Jason said - and recalling all that has happened. What a week I've had. So much has changed in so little time. This time last week Danny and I were putting the finishing touches on the townhouse: unpacking the last box, hanging up the last picture frame, eating Chinese takeout on our half-put-together dining table. I was feeling so nervous and apprehensive about going to North Shore, far away from my home and friends in San Diego. I didn't know what to expect for the days to come - the consequences of the transition were scary to think about and impossible to predict.

And then there are the bigger changes that have happened so far. It's been just over a month since my parents died. A little less than that since the banging nightmares started keeping me up at night. A few weeks since my useless therapy sessions. Three since I accompanied Danny to North Shore Hospital, snuck into the pharmacy, and copped my first bottle of Adderall. A few days since I met a group of people who are edgy, thrilling, and dangerous: traits my better, badder, bolder twin possesses. And finally, only one day - one night - since my twin convinced me that I want everything to do with Jason McCann and the Bizzle Gang. Not just for the Stat project, not just for the meanwhile. For a long, long time.


My phone rings as I finish up my Econ assignment. Holy crap, I hope I'm ready for this upcoming midterm. I can't lose sight of my schoolwork, even though the only economic system I'm thinking about is intercepting secret shipments... Anyway, I don't recognize the number.

"Hello?" I answer, a bit suspicious.

"Hi, Tessa." Miley's bright voice comes through the phone. "It's Miley."

I smile. I didn't notice before but she has a little country twang in her tone. "Hey Miley, what's up?"

"The sun, the moon, and the sky, hon," she jokes. "I hope it's okay - I got your number from Jason and called. He told me what happened last night at the coffee shop. You held your own, girl."

"What?" I say, perplexed.

"The Wreckers showed up and you knew what they were trying to do. And then your first instinct was to call Jason. It just shows some loyalty and smarts. That's the kind of stuff that keeps our crew together." She sounds pleased.

I blink, stunned. "Oh... well, I just figured Jason would wanna know if the Wreckers were hanging around there after - after the business you handled Tuesday night."

"You're right. It's why they showed up. They thought the alleyway was a spot because we cornered Adrian, the messenger, there," Miley explains. "The Wreckers have always tried to find out where we intercept shipments so they can dole them out first and gain respects and allies. But we don't do cheaters and shaders. Our turf was earned, not stolen or bribed for."

That makes sense. I learn something new every day about the Bangerz-vs-Wreckers feud; yet I have a feeling there's a lot more. "Is that why you guys are rivals? They want your turf?"

Miley pauses. When she speaks her tone is dark, like Jason's was last night. "Yeah, but it's deeper than that," she tells me. "The Wreckers hold grudges. And this time we won't stop warring until it ends. For good."

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