Chapter 7 - Captured!

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Harrison nodded after a bit of a wait, to show the patrol leader who was Alpha. The pack would wait for his pleasure. Without him, there wouldn't be a pack. It was bad enough that Damian broke the bonds and basically declared that he had reneged on his care of them. They had failed to take out the Cats, and then lost him his Beta, and the other fighters. They needed to be punished. Being without food, and taking a while to heal would be just what he ordered.

"Report" he said, when he decided the patrol lead had stood there enough. He continued to work on some of the accounts, as it was just a scout.

"You tasked us with scouting out Forest Depths. We noticed that the pack is currently at full patrols, and using new routes. We were almost noticed when a team moved past us. We knew of one of the four. The other three were from two other packs, and neither scents smelled right, but were similar to Ice Lake." Navio reported. He wanted to get it out before the punishment started. "All three looked like Betas, and were more than a match for us, so I ordered a retreat, so we could report to you."

Harrison growled. This was not a good turn. "Where did they come from?" he demanded.

Navio cringed, "I don't know. They could be Ice Lake, but not sure why they would smell of two separate packs, in addition to Forest Depths."

"How many wolves are there that aren't mine?" Harrison demanded. The Forest Depths was his, and he would kill Damian if needed to remind them who they owed obedience to. They were a place to put some of the wolves, so that they didn't give him headaches. They were not a Pack. How dare they try to go their own way, and consider themselves separate.

"I don't know. We thought it better for us to return and give you the report first. We are able to head straight back out—"

Harrison snarled, "I do the thinking here! That is why I am Alpha!" he shouted, as Navio bared his throat in submission.

"You are Alpha." He said. He tried to hide his trembles, as he wondered what would happen.

"You will head straight back out. You are lucky I feel generous, or you would be deranked to dealing with Dung." Harrison growled, "You will not return till you know what packs have decided to deal with the traitors, and what sort of numbers they have there, and what else they are doing. Now, go!"

Navio nodded and ran from the presence of his Alpha. He hadn't been that angry in a long time, and that wolf had lost his life. He silently called for his patrol, and let his sister know to stay near his best friend, or near the two patrollers that she was good friends with. He got her love in return.

He ran out the door that his team held open for him, and they all shifted to wolves, after tossing the clothes in the locker they had. He wished they had packs like the three wolves had, but they we only a scout team, and there was no way they could afford them.

Once they were past the first patrol, they slowed to a trot, to conserve energy, *Our new orders are to find out what packs those three wolves are from, and what their numbers are at the pack.* He didn't need to tell them that they would be out till they found that out.

*You got off lightly,* Vanni said only to his friend and patrol leader, *Not even a bruise.*

*Yea, I know.* Navio replied, *I think he was distracted. I'm almost ready to leave, but can't leave my sister here alone.* Females were rarely allowed to leave the inner pack area, and she wouldn't be allowed while he was on patrol at all. He thought it was to keep wolves from leaving together; it worked for him. It was all that was keep him in the pack. He had hoped to be put in Forest Depths, but didn't have the luck.

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